Page 52 of Betrayed By Love

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“Not very good,” I eventually respond.

“Then get dressed and drink more so your headache will go away.”

I glare. “You’re a doctor now?”

“No, but I’ve had plenty of hangovers before.”

“Any recently?”

“Not for several years. I don’t indulge like you did last night.”

“Forever controlled.”

“You’re damn right. Now get ready. We have to be there at noon.”

I groan as I retrace my steps down the hall, already deciding what I should wear. It is warmer than it has been over the past few days, but I am in no mood to dress up.

“I prefer you in dresses,” Foster says as I enter the living room. I chose to wear a pair of blue jeans and a forest green v-neck sweater.

“Of course you do, but while you can dictate the events I go to and how I act in public, you cannot dictate what I wear.”

He chuckles. “I see your mood hasn’t changed since last night.”

“Foster, you told me you couldn’t fall for me. How do you think that makes me feel?”

Smoothing his navy slacks as he stands, he responds, “That’s not what I said. I said I couldn’t fall for you because it wasn’t the right time. You’re beautiful and intelligent; I’m sure many men would love to have you for themselves.”

“Like the wolves last night?”

“There were plenty. You just weren’t paying attention.”

I snort. “I doubt that with all the gorgeous women in the room.”

Foster steps into my space and runs his index finger down my jawline. “You have no idea, do you?”

“No idea of what?”

He backs away to open the closet door and take out my blue coat. “Do you need me to help you put this on?”

I snatch it from his hand. “No idea of what?” I repeat.

He whirls around after he slips a gray jacket off a hanger. “How attractive you are. How appealing. You think it’s easy for me not to want to take you to my bed?”

“That wasn’t part of the deal.”

“But it could be,” he offers.

“This is ridiculous. You run hot and cold. I don’t want to have sex with you.”

Foster smirks as he pulls on his jacket. “Excuse me if I don’t believe you.”

I sigh, asking, “Can we just get through this day?”

“That’s the best way. We’ll take it day by day.”

“Fine. Now can we go?”

“Lead the way.”

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