Page 4 of Betrayed By Love

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I follow my brother into the kitchen, and when he plunked the box on the light granite counter. I pluck the card from the side and ripped the envelope open. Zane cut the tape holding the top of the box on and pulled it off. Inside were twenty-four long-stemmed red roses, complete with thorns. I read the card, frowning.

Miss Butler,

To new beginnings.

Best Regards,

Foster Black

I frown, and Zane takes the card from my hand, stroking the scruff on his chin as he reads it too.

“What exactly does he mean by new beginnings?”

I look at the counter, avoiding my brother’s eyes. “I have no idea.”

“Level with me, are you seeing him?”

“He’s an ass; I don’t have to tell you that.”

Zane was well aware of Foster’s shit attitude. He had gone to him when Eltech wasn’t doing so well to ask if Foster wanted to invest in the company—the answer was a flat no.

“That he is. Why would he send you roses?”

I keep my head down, busying myself with the flowers. If I looked at Zane, he might see deceit in my eyes. “A job well done? Honestly, I have no idea. Do we have a vase?”

“I’ll get you one from the living room.”

After I put the roses in the crystal vase, Zane brought me; I head to the guest room. I will soon be sleeping on Zane’s couch in his office since my bedroom is in transition. My brother had already painted it a baby blue and set up two cribs, a changing table, and two rocking chairs that were crowded around my bed. As time grew closer to my nephews’ births, I wished I would be moving to my own place.

I throw the card from Foster onto the bed and began to strip, looking in the dresser mirror. My body is in excellent shape since I work out several times a week. Zane’s building has a wonderful gym on the main level, and I spend my mornings on the treadmill before work. After I change into a pair of black yoga pants and a matching tank top, I go to scrounge up something to eat.

Back in the kitchen, I find Zane pouring himself a glass of white wine and ask him to give me one.

“Rough day at work?” he asks.

“What do you think? I was late tonight.”

“You could still come to work for me. You know Eltech is growing.”

“The last thing I want is to work for you, big brother. No offense, but I want to do this on my own.”

“You have experience; you don’t need to work for Foster Black. Why not work for Jordan?”

I almost drop the container of salad I extracted from the full refrigerator. “Are you kidding? Emma is one of my best friends. I can’t ask her husband for a job.”

“He would offer you one in a second.”

“It’s practically nepotism.”

“Suit yourself if you want to be tortured.”

“You can’t protect me all the time. I can handle Black.”

Zane gulps his wine while craning his neck to see if Lana was still sleeping. He promised he wouldn’t drink around her since she couldn’t. White wine is her favorite, and he clearly plans on finishing the glass before she wakes up.

“But you shouldn’t have to,” he says. “The man is a trust fund asshole.”

“He didn’t need his trust fund to get where he is. He’s amazing when it comes to business.”

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