Page 74 of Teased By Love

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“But she isn’t doing well. Declan has been away on business, and she’s upset. She needs you.”

“She wants me. There is a difference. I can’t be around her.”

“I’m worried about her. I had dinner with her, and she kept saying it might be easier if she wasn’t around.”

“Around how?”

“I think she meant suicide. She hasn’t been very happy since you won’t see her.”

“Did she say that?”

“Not specifically, but you have to be an idiot not to be able to read between the lines. She’s depressed. This should be the happiest time in her life, and she’s miserable.”

“What about her family. Alicia is around.”

“Alicia has been busy, and her other friends have kids. I’m the only one she’s been talking to.”

“She has her parents.”

“They’ve been in Europe the past two weeks. Please, Zane, I’m worried. I can’t watch her all the time.”

I swipe my hand through my hair. “Fuck, I don’t need this.”

“You want this shit on your hands? She became this way after you told her goodbye. She needs you.”

“Paige, don’t you see how selfish that is? I’m trying to get my life together, move forward, and this will take me back.”

“I know. I love you, and I’m on your side, but I don’t feel comfortable leaving her. Please see her. Even if you talk to her for a few minutes, it might make her feel better.”

“Fine. I’ll see her. Where is she?”

“At The Plaza. We had dinner in her suite tonight.”

Fucking scene of the crime.

“I’m going now. Don’t tell her I’m coming.”

“Why not?”

“Just don’t.”

I hang up with Paige and hail a cab. What the fuck am I to say to her? Why isn’t Declan taking care of her the way a good fiancé should? Can’t he see how depressed she is? And what the fuck is wrong with her parents going to Europe with her wedding five weeks away? She needs help with the planning.

I take the elevator to the twentieth floor where the penthouse suite is. I knock a few times and wait, hoping Lana will answer once she sees me through the peephole. I hear shuffling behind the door and the opening of the locks, she pulls the door open, and her face immediately brightens.

“Zane! I needed you, and you’re here.”

She hugs me tightly, but something is off. She seems different.

“Are you alright? Paige said you weren’t feeling well.”

“I’m terrific. Paige shouldn’t worry like that.”

There definitely is something wrong with Lana. Her total effect is wrong. It’s like she’s on something.

“She said you were depressed.”

“Maybe a little, but there are things for that, you know.”

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