Page 69 of Teased By Love

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“I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Get home safe,” I tell her.

Chapter 11

It’s been a week since I last saw Lana. I know it’s my fault that she doesn’t want to be around me. I should have exerted a little more self-control, but her touch was searing into my flesh, causing desire to bloom in my entire body. I think she’s afraid to be with me anywhere, private or public. We’ve texted frequently, and I called her a couple of times but only got her voicemail.

Declan Blair is coming to my office in an hour. We’re supposed to discuss a project that he wants Eltech to work on in conjunction with one of his software companies. I’m not entirely sure what his game is since he can have any software company at his disposal with his far-reaching reputation. Why Eltech? I don’t trust him.

Lucian and Joanna join me in the conference room a few minutes before Declan and his assistant arrive. I have such a bad taste in my mouth about the man and hold back, allowing Lucian and Joanna to take the lead. Declan questions me at the end of the meeting.

“Zane, you’ve been quiet this whole time, and I’m curious as to what you think of our collaboration?”

“I’m curious as to why you chose Eltech? You can choose any software company, even Microsoft, why us?”

“I believe in helping the small guy.”

I laughed sarcastically, “We’re not exactly small. Our company has grown exponentially since I started it several years ago.”

“I agree there, and it’s part of the reason why I’ve approached you. This project could explode your sales to becoming a billion-dollar company. Isn’t that what you want?”

“Sometimes too fast, an expansion can be disastrous. We’ve grown slowly, and we do quite well. I’m sure you’ve checked our sales figures before this meeting. If not, Lucian can brief you on them.”

“I’ve checked, and Eltech does close to half a billion dollars in sales, but a majority of that is because of your games and virtual reality system. Wouldn’t you like to branch into other areas of software development?”

“I would, but as you said, our gaming division does a brisk business, and the educational software survives on its own. We’re not borrowing from one to pay for the other.”

“But you could do so much better. I’ve taken the liberty of drawing up a preliminary contract. I want you to consider the deal and let me know in a week.”

His assistant, a mousy man with black square-framed glasses, handed me a folder. I didn’t bother to open it because I was going to decline the offer, but I wouldn’t make that revelation now.

“I’ll have my legal department look it over and get back to you.”

Declan and his assistant rose from their chairs at the same time. He offered his hand, and I shook it, not that I wanted to, but I didn’t want to seem hostile. I allowed Lucian to walk him out, citing that I had a conference call in a few minutes.

I went to my office and sat staring at the folder on my desk. I’m sure the offer favored Eltech. It wasn’t a collaboration. It was a bribe. Declan wanted me to keep quiet about his side piece. I know he mentioned the project when I saw his at the fundraiser, but I was also sure the terms were more weighted towards Blair Enterprises at the time. Lucian bursts through my door with an angry look, startling me.

“What the fuck was that?”


“That fucking shitty ass attitude? You sit there the whole meeting with your arms crossed, not saying a word.”

“I took the meeting, that was enough.”

“It wasn’t enough. You could have engaged. Joanna and I were at a loss at times. We expected you to offer your opinion.”

“Why? We’re not taking the deal.”

“Are you nuts? This could skyrocket our sales. Blair is handling all the marketing. That alone would save us a boatload of money. His company does all the heavy lifting, and we earn half the sales. It’s a no brainer.”

“Oh, so you’re a lawyer now?”

“What does that have to do with anything? I know what I heard. I’m a numbers guy, remember? I’m also an owner, and I have my own interests to look after.”

“All of a sudden, you give a shit about money? You don’t need it.”

“No, you’re right, I don’t but think what it could do for Eltech. We could offer our employees more perks and benefits. I care about them.”

“They already get great perks and benefits. I think we treat them pretty well.”

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