Page 24 of Teased By Love

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“Why? Was Alicia his favorite?”

“Yes. First grandchild and she’s two years older than me. She is not the nicest person, you’ll see.”

“If it’s any consolation, you’re my favorite.”

I kiss her forehead, and she nuzzles against my shoulder. The ride to Long Island takes awhile, and I fall asleep. When Lana wakes me, I feel tired and irritable. I’d rather go back to sleep, but we’ve arrived. I look out the window as the black steel gates open to a large circular driveway with a small fountain in the middle. The house is huge, constructed of granite bricks and many windows.

A woman dressed in white shorts, a white blouse, and a string of pearls exits the house as we pull up. She has a resemblance to Lana with short auburn hair and hazel eyes. As we exit the limo, she extends her hand to me.

“I’m Libby Collins. You must be Zane.”

I smile and shake her hand then move away so that Lana can hug her mother.

“Where’s Daddy?”

“Out on the patio with Alicia.”

I see Lana purse her lips, “I wish you two would get along. Try please for my sake.”

“Yes, mother. I always try. She’s the one that makes it unpleasant.”

“Just remain civil. I’ve asked her to also. I want to enjoy this time together.”

The limo driver hands our bags to a man dressed in a white coat and black pants, whom I assume is one of the Collins’ employees.

“Forest will show you to your rooms. We have a full house this weekend, at least until Wednesday. I put Zane in the room next to yours. Join us on the patio when you’re ready.”

“Thank you, mom.”

Lana takes me by the hand as we follow Forest up the wide mahogany staircase. This place is incredible, nothing like I grew up in or rivaled my friend’s house. He deposits my suitcase in a large room painted in a soft blue with a thick area carpet that spans the whole room in the same shade. The bed is a massive four-poster, and my cock twitches thinking about fucking Lana here. I’m sure I won’t get the chance, and that is another thing that’s grating on me, having to abstain from sex for a week.

I look around the room; the slider leads out to a long balcony that overlooks the ocean. I can hear voices down below, but a large canopy obscures the people. I step back inside, and Lana is sitting on my bed.

“Ready to go downstairs?” she asks.

“Yeah, sure,” but I’m not sure. I’ve never met her father, and now that I know there is hostility swirling between Lana and her sister, I’m not sure what I’m walking into.”

Before we go down, as she stands, I pull her into my arms and kiss her hard on the lips. At first, she doesn’t respond; then, her tongue tangles with mine. I want her, and even though I know it’s inappropriate, my hands roam her body, seeking out her perfect breasts. She pushes against me, breaking our kiss.

“No, Zane. Not here.”

“Does this mean no sex the entire week? I don’t know if I can handle that.”

“Not the entire week, just not now. I have plans,” she winks at me and swipes her hand across my lips to remove the layer of lip gloss hers deposited there.

“Come with me.”

“I plan on it,” I mumble as we head down the long hallway.

Outside, her father, a young woman who I can only guess, is her sister and her mother sit, sipping what looks to be iced tea. The woman jumps up and startles Lana by taking her into a tight embrace.

“I’ve missed you, baby sister. We need to hang out once we get back to the city. How come you never call me? And who is this? He’s so handsome.”

Lana’s face displays shock, but she hugs her sister before they separate, and she introduces me.

“This is my boyfriend, Zane. Zane, my sister, Alicia.”

“Zane Butler, nice to meet you,” I say, extending my hand.

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