Page 18 of Teased By Love

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“Whatever you do, please be safe. Oh, and I want to meet this guy.”

“Yeah, yeah. You want to interrogate him.”

“A little fear is good. He won’t be able to take advantage if he knows I’m around.”

“He wouldn’t. He’s a nice guy. You’ll like him.”

“What does he do?”

“He’s an Actuary.”

“Must be a smart guy.”

“He is, so don’t chase him away. I like him.”

She comes around the counter as I chug the last of my whiskey and kisses me on the cheek then walks to the door to leave.

After she goes, I sit on the couch and flip through a magazine on the coffee table. Cosmopolitan. It’s Paige’s, and I have no idea why I’m reading an article on makeup trends for the summer. I push the magazine aside and decide to go for a run. It’s hot out, but I love to cruise the streets of Manhattan in the heat, work up a good sweat and then take a nice cold shower.

I can feel the heat rising through my sneakers as I pound the sidewalks for several blocks. The pedestrian traffic is light for a perfect early summer evening. I don’t have to zig-zag around people and have been lucky so far with stoplights being in my favor. I’ve only had to stop once and jog in place while waiting.

My mind keeps wandering to Lana even though I don’t want it to. I’m like a lovesick puppy. A grown man with a schoolyard crush. Before I realize, I’ve gone over forty blocks, time to turn around. I run hard and as fast as the streets will allow. I want to be soaked with sweat by the time I get home, and I am.

I stop outside my building to catch my breath and wipe my dripping face with the hem of my t-shirt, which is the only spot on the garment that’s dry. Inside, the air conditioning hits me like a wall and immediately starts to cool my skin, which causes me to shiver. I grab my mail, and I’m paging through it when I hear someone call me.


Turning towards the voice, I see Lana rising from one of the padded leather wingback chairs in the lobby. She was sitting in the corner, which is why I didn’t see her when I first arrived back from my run.

“Lana. What can I do for you?” I say with a glacial tone.

“I came to thank you for the roses. They were beautiful.”

“Enjoy them because I won’t be sending any more.”

I won’t look at her and tear into an envelope that holds my cable bill. I already know what it says, but I need something to occupy me so I won’t stare at her.

“Why not?”

“I think we’re done. It’s obvious that you aren’t interested.”

“I am. I really like you.”

I finally glance up and notice that the desk manager, concierge, and doorman are watching us. To avoid an audience, I press the elevator button, and I’m thankful when the doors immediately open.

“Come upstairs so we can talk in private.”

She steps into the elevator and follows me when we get out on the fortieth floor. I say nothing as I open the door to my apartment and drop the mail on the foyer table. We don’t speak as I walk to my bedroom to remove my soaked shirt, and I prepare for a shower.

“Well, are you going to say something?”

“Lana, what do you want me to say? That I enjoy chasing you? That I love making an idiot out of myself by texting and calling a woman who won’t respond? The roses were a final goodbye. I know where I stand with you. Thank you for a fun time. I’m going to shower, so see yourself out.”

I go into the bathroom and close the door, remove what clothing remains on my body and turn on the water in the large glass and tile stall. When it’s lukewarm, I step under the spray, letting it wet my hair and wash the sweat off me. I feel like a jerk treating her that way, but what else could I do. I got the message loud and clear.

I continue to think about our exchange and the sad look on Lana’s face as I soap my hair. I’m under the water when hands touch my chest and startles the hell out of me. I jump back, rubbing the water out of my eyes. Lana is in front of me, naked and looking pensive.

“For fuck’s sake! What the hell are you doing?” I yell.

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