Page 116 of Teased By Love

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“Mr. Butler, can I speak with you outside?” Detective Pearson.

I nod, and a female officer goes into the office to be with Lana.

“Your fiancée should be checked out. Maybe a psych evaluation is in order. She’s been this way since we got here.”

“She’s in shock. I was attacked this morning,” I point to the stitches in my head.

“Did you report it?”

“Yes. I was in the park running; two men took me down and were beating me with their fists. They ran off when some guys came to help me.”

“Do you know who they were?”

“No, but frankly, I think that Mr. Blair had something to do with it. My fiancée is going through a divorce from him. I’m sure you’ve seen it on the news.”

“I have no time for television.”

“Mr. Blair had a very heated conversation with Lana several days ago. He said he would destroy me.”

“Well, I think you can stop worrying about that now. He isn’t doing anything at this point. You should take your fiancée home if you’re not going to the hospital. This was very traumatic for her.”

I head back to the office and thank the female officer who steps out so we can have some privacy. Lana seems more lucid than when I stepped out.

“Lana, we should go home.”

“I can’t. I need to make funeral arrangements. I’m Declan’s wife; it’s my duty.”

“Sweetheart, he has a family for that. It shouldn’t concern you.”

“But he’ll be angry if I don’t take care of this.”

“You needn’t worry about him being angry. He can’t hurt you anymore. Come, let’s go home.”

“My home is here. I live here.”

“Lana, please. Don’t do this. You live with me. Don’t you remember?”

She looks up at me, “Zane?”

“Yes, baby. You live with me.”

“I live with you?”

“Yes, me. You sleep with me in our bed.”

“How? I’m married to Declan.”

“Can I show you something?”

“I guess.”

I reach up and gently pull the chain around her neck until I’m holding the locket. I open it and show her the pictures.

“You see this? You wear this because we’re together. You’re going to marry me soon.”

Her face brightens, “When?”

“Whenever you want.”

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