Page 113 of Teased By Love

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My phone kept going off while I was in the ER, and I knew it was Lana wondering where I was. I didn’t want to worry her, so I let it go to voicemail until I got home and could talk to her in person. They discharged me an hour and a half later. I took a cab home and tried to wipe some of the dirt off my shorts and t-shirt before I stepped into our apartment, but it was no use.

Lana ran to me when she heard the door and stopped short at the sight of my clothing and the bandage over my right eyebrow.

“Oh my God, Zane, what happened?”

“I was attacked in the park while I was running.”

“It was random?”

“I don’t think so. I think your soon to be ex had something to do with it. I don’t know what would have happened if these two guys hadn’t shown up. They chased the attackers away.”

“Did you report it to the police?”

“Yes, but there isn’t much to go on. I only got a glance at them, and the guys that chased them stopped once they ran away. They’re nurses at Lenox Hill, and they wanted to tend to me. I only know one of their names, but I would like to thank them.”

“He’s never going to leave us alone. I shouldn’t have yelled at him.”

“Lana, he’ll get his. I’m not worried about that. This is why I wanted you to be careful when you go out. He’s dangerous and aggressive.”

“But you could have been badly injured.”

“Yes, I could have. Even though I love running in the park, I’m going to stick to the building gym until your divorce is finalized.”

“How do you feel?”

“Not good. I have a headache, but they said I didn’t have a concussion.”

She gently ran her fingers over the stitches, “Does this hurt?”

“A little now that the anesthesia is wearing off. I have to go to my doctor to get the stitches out in a week.”

“Are you going to have a scar?”

“Maybe, but it will make me look tough,” I chuckle.

“Zane, don’t kid. Your beautiful face.”

“Lana, it’s fine. I’m still pretty good looking.”

I see her start to tear up, and I pull her against my chest.

“If something happened to you…”

“I’m fine. I’ll work from home today and take it easy.”

I take her hand and walk to the bedroom to remove my dirty clothes. She sits on the vanity while I take a shower. Washing my hair and not getting my stitches wet is a real trial. The bandage is damp when I come out, and I pull it off. I hear a small gasp from Lana as she eyes the injury.

“Baby, please. It’s not such a big deal. Don’t be upset.”

“I love you, Zane. Living without you would destroy me.”

“You managed before.”

“But then you were somewhere in the world.”

I wrap my towel around my waist and go to my dresser to pull out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

“No underwear?”

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