Page 83 of Awakened By Love

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Chapter 16

Two days before Thanksgiving, there is snow on the ground. It was early for snowfall, but it was enough that my porch needs to be shoveled. Following my talk with Zane, my parents and Noah called after Rory told them I was hiding somewhere in the Cape. I assured them I was okay and wouldn’t be joining them for the holiday.

My mother was heartbroken that I sounded miserable, in her words. Ever since she had gone through her last rehab stint many months ago, she was more caring and thoughtful. I could have used that when Cassie was sick and dying. But I didn’t fault her. My father was no saint to live with, and she had battled alcoholism for a long time. I just didn’t want to sit at dinner and be peppered with questions.

I plan on working through the weekend. I had finished all my heavy projects. New flooring was down in the bedroom, along with a fresh coat of light blue paint on the walls. The old furniture had been removed, and I had a new queen-sized bed and armoire. I put new shades in all the windows and bought a heavy quilt. The last few things I needed to do was replace the storm door and clean the fireplace. Then, I would be set for the winter.

I head out to the store early on Tuesday morning, wanting to stock up on food because I knew the stores would be closed for the holiday. I also need handles for the cabinets in the kitchen, and I want to replace the doorknobs to the bathroom and bedroom. It starts to snow again when I am on my way out, and by the time I finish shopping, a couple of inches had fallen to add to the three already on the ground.

I drive slowly to the lake because the snowy road could be dangerous, especially when not traveled on normally during the offseason. What strikes me as odd is a pair of tire tracks other than mine that were made freshly enough despite them starting to get covered over. As I pull into the driveway, I notice a car sitting there with someone in the driver’s seat.

When I pull alongside them, the driver, who had their hood up, gets out. I wasn’t expecting anyone and jump out of the cab of the truck so that I can walk around to greet them. The visitor pulls off their hood, and I stop short, staring blankly. Olivia.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I spit.

“Lucian, please hear me out!” she cries.

“I don’t want to, nor do I have to. You should go before you get stuck.”

I ignore her while I get my packages from the back seat, brushing by her as I walk towards the cabin.

“So that’s it?” she calls after me. “You won’t even listen to what I have to say?”

I whirl around, almost slipping in the mounting snow. “You have no right to demand that I listen you. Go home, Olivia. You should never have come here. How did you find out where I was anyway?”


My asshole brother. “How did he find me?”

“He’s in security. I’m sure he knows how.”

I should have kept my phone off. He must have tracked me by GPS and then checked real estate records. Noah probably knew where I was a long time ago.

“You can tell everyone I’m fine. Now please get off my property. I’m busy.” Again, I walk to the door, and as I juggle the packages so I can slip the key in the lock, I barely hear what I’d been waiting to hear for months.

“Luc, I love you. I just wanted you to know that.”

The door to her car slams as my chest tightens with the knowledge that she loves me too. I violently kick the heavy wooden door closed behind me and drop everything on the floor so I can run my hands through my snow dampened hair. What the fuck do I do now? She betrayed me. Three words weren’t going to make up for how she made me feel. It was better I let her go.

I stood, leaning against the wall, peering through the small window. Olivia’s car began to back out of the driveway and then stopped. I heard the whine of her spinning tires as she pressed the accelerator. She pulls forward and tries again, this time fishtailing but not moving any further. Being in contact was inevitable. I would have to help.

Meanwhile, the snow was starting to come down harder. Large flakes covered my footprints on the stairs to the porch. Olivia ceased trying to move her car and let it just idle with the lights on, windshield wipers going.

“FUCK!” I scream as I bang my fist against the door. I wrench it open and tramp through the snow. I watch her face as I approach—it was a mix of fear and hope. I tap on the window, and she rolls it down.

“You’re stuck. With those tires, I’m not sure you’re going to make it up to the main road even if I get you out of the driveway.”

“So, what do you propose I do?”

“I guess you have no choice but to come inside. I can’t very well leave you out here to freeze.”

I open the back door of her sedan and retrieve her suitcase, then offer her my arm, which she wraps hers around. I carefully walk her to the porch and help her up the three stairs, following behind her. When I reach around to pull open the battered white storm door, I catch her scent. Her sweet perfume invades my nose, making me remember the time when we were on good terms.

“Nice place,” she compliments.

“I just spent the past three weeks renovating it. What else could I do?”

“Lucian, I’m sor–”

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