Page 72 of Awakened By Love

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Chapter 14

It’s been two weeks since Olivia’s surgery. She’s been feeling better, and I’ve been feeding her high-calorie foods. One night, we sat on my bed and watched a bunch of movies from the 80s while eating pints of ice cream. I had to run longer the next day, but it was well worth it, so see her enjoying herself after all she’s been through.

She started to sleep in my bed again a few days ago, claiming that she was chilly again. I offered to turn the thermostat up a notch, but she made an excuse, saying that she would prefer my body heat. The first night, I forgot to put on a t-shirt, and when she laid her head on my chest, so stroked the ridges of my stomach.

I didn’t want to tell her to stop because her touch felt so good, but it was also arousing. I hadn’t had sex with anyone since her several months ago. I had no plans to have sex with anyone but her when she was ready, but it was too early. We needed to ease back into a relationship. Right now, we were getting along well as friends.

Today is her first day back at Eltech, so we’re both getting ready for work. I sit in the kitchen, downing a bowl of sticky oatmeal with raisins and sipping coffee from my travel mug when she enters. She looks beautiful, even when the weight loss made her look gaunt. Her choice of dark denim jeans and an emerald-colored top works perfectly. We had gone shopping to buy her a few pairs of jeans because her waist had shrunk a few inches, and the old ones were too baggy.

“Are you going to eat breakfast?” I ask.

“I’m not hungry. I’m nervous.”

“Why? This is the same place you worked for before. There are plenty of people there that remember you. Everyone can’t wait to see you.”

“I know, but it’s like starting all over again. I used to be a supervisor; now, I have a supervisor.”

“Zane told me that once you get up to speed on the projects, you will be a supervisor again. Maybe a couple of weeks from now.”

“I know, but it’s embarrassing to have people supervise you that you supervised.”

“Olivia, do you want to take the day off? I don’t want you to work yourself up. It’s not good.”

“I took enough time off. I should have gone back last week. I felt good enough,” she replies, scowling at me.

“Is that a dig at me?”

“I could have,” she says, ignoring my question. “You were so insistent that I stay home.”

“Didn’t you enjoy being home with me? We had fun.”

Olivia saunters to me, and I swivel the barstool around so she can stand between my legs. She leans into me and nuzzles my neck. I feel an overwhelming urge to kiss her, one that I’ve had since I brought her back to New York. At first, I resist, but I give in when her full red lips press against mine. Heat blooms in my belly, and my dick hardens as she deepens the kiss.

My hands tangle in her hair, and she moans in my mouth. I want to take her against the counter, but I’m not an animal, and neither is she. She gently pushes away from me, and I reluctantly break the kiss. We’re both breathing heavily, and her face is flushed.

“Too much?” I question.

“Oh God, Lucian, I’m sorry. I just feel so grateful to you for all you’ve done.”

I try to hide my disappointment because I want to hear that she wants me, not that she’s grateful. I translate her statement as her feeling obligated to throw me a bone. She knows I desire her, and I won’t take anything from her unless it’s offered.

“I told you to stop thanking me. It’s late; we should leave for work.”

“We have time. It will only take a half-hour to get to the office, and it’s only eight.”

I know it’s only eight, but if I stand here with you any longer, I’m going to want to take you to bed, and that can’t happen. “I have a few things I need to take care of before Zane comes in. I wanted to get in a little early.”

“You can go without me,” she replies flatly. “I’ll be fine on my own. I should get into a rhythm since eventually, I’ll be back at my place.”

“Olivia, I don’t want you to take the subway on your own.”

“Dammit, Lucian, stop treating me like a baby! You’re not my keeper. I’m fine. I feel much better than I did, and I’m getting my strength back. You can’t always be there to save me.”

I want to snap at her, but I don’t. Instead, I rise and grab my jacket without saying a word. I don’t even look at her when I exit the apartment. I had a reason for my behavior, and she knew what it was. I was protective by nature, but when Cassie got sick, I went into overdrive. That never left me and probably never would. I would be that way with my lover, my wife, my children, anyone that I love.

I take a cab to the office, which gave me time to think without being pushed up against someone on the subway. I didn’t want to fight with Olivia, so spending time in my office alone would do me good. I had been with her twenty-four-seven for the past couple of weeks, and it wasn’t having a great effect on our relationship. Maybe we weren’t compatible, after all.

I slip into my office shortly before 8:30 AM and boot up my laptop. Because I’ve been ignoring things, I haven’t even checked my email. I refer to myself as a floater; I don’t have a position, but I work on things as needed. Zane doesn’t mind since my finance skills have helped shave precious dollars off projects in areas that the production team would never have thought to look.

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