Page 70 of Awakened By Love

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“I don’t think that will be necessary.”

“If it is, the offer is open.”

Tucking in, I finish the entire dish for her sake. When dinner is over, Olivia tries to clean up the dishes, but I tell her that she cooked, so I’ll clean. She doesn’t fight me and, instead, leaves to watch the news.

By the time I finish washing, Olivia is asleep on the couch. Although I was first alarmed that she was sleeping a lot, I eventually understood that it was because she was sick. I sit down next to her and gently stroke her cheek with my knuckles. She stirs and snuggles closer to me, winding her fingers in my sweater. I put my arm around her, enjoying the feel of her body against mine. It made me smile. We were still young, but to me, it felt like we were an old married couple. I want that for the future. I want to marry Olivia Adams. I wasn’t sure when it happened, but I no longer felt guilty for being attracted to another woman. Cassie was my past, and I would never forget her, but Olivia is my present.

I hold Olivia while I flip through the channels, settling on an old movie I watched once as a child. It is well past ten when the movie is over. Olivia slept the entire time, curled up against me. Once I shut the television off, I try to wake her.

“Sweetheart, time for bed.”

“You go, I’m comfortable here,” she mumbles without opening her eyes.

“You’ll be more comfortable in your bed.”

She lifts her head. “I’d rather be in your bed.”

“You want to sleep with me?”

“I like being next to you. It comforts me. Do you mind?”

“Not at all. If that’s what you want.” I get hard at the prospect of having her in my bed, listening to her breathe as she slept. Then a wave of embarrassment washes over me. She was sick. There would be nothing sexual about her sharing my space. My erection quickly disappears. Our relationship was purely platonic at this point.

“Do you want me to carry you?”

“I think I can manage. I’ll change and be right in. Can I sleep on the right side of the bed?”

I usually slept on the right side. I had done so my entire married life and even after Cassie had passed away. I never ventured to the left, even when I slept in the uncomfortable full bed at the cabin.

“Sure,” I agree easily. “Whatever you need.”

I untangle my arm from around her body, and we rise from the couch together, heading off to our prospective bedrooms. I put on a pair of black silk pajama pants and a t-shirt. Olivia enters as I emerge from the bathroom. She is dressed in a white full-length nightgown that screams purity.

“Ready for bed?”

She yawns in response, and I pull back the covers on the right side of the bed. She kisses me softly on the cheek and climbs into bed. I venture around to the other side and slip in to join her. I shut off the bedside light and turn towards Olivia. If I can’t touch her, I at least want to wake up to her beautiful face.

“Lucian?” she whispers just before I doze off.


“I’m a little chilly. Can you hold me?”

Right away, my alarms go up, and I am wide awake. “Are you okay?”

She chuckles. “Fine, just a little cold.”

“I can get another blanket.”

“I’d prefer you to hold me.”

I have no qualms about spending the night with her in my arms. I move across the expanse of the king-sized bed until I reach her and pull her close to me.

“That’s much better. Thank you.”

“I’m not sure any thanks are needed.”

I bury my head in the crook of her neck, the scent of her hair in my nose, and promptly fall asleep.

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