Page 45 of Awakened By Love

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“You need to tell her the truth. You can’t leave her hanging because you fucked up. She’s nice from what I remember.”

I nod. “I like her a lot.”

“Then don’t be a dick. Tell her about your problem.”

I was about to say something when the door to the bathroom opens, and Vivian steps out in a mint-colored terry bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her head. Instead, I nod again.

We have a lovely evening together. I order Italian food since Noah complained that the stuff they got in Boston wasn’t like New York’s. I had to agree. Later, I am exhausted from a lack of sleep, so I go to bed before ten. I hadn’t heard from Olivia but didn’t bother texting her. I know it was wrong of me, but I didn’t know what to tell her.

Waking up early, I get on the treadmill before six. I was running at full speed when Vivian showed up in the doorway in a short nightgown. The look on her face told me that I was in trouble, so I slow the machinery to walking speed.

“Lucian, are you fucking kidding me? It’s barely six am!”

“I’m sorry. I forgot that your room is next door. I just thought to get a quick workout in before we leave for Foxwoods.”

“You’re leaving at nine. It couldn’t wait another hour?”

“I said, I’m sorry. I’ll stop.”

She walks away in a huff, and I shut off the machine, wiping at the sweat on my face with the small towel I had slung around my neck. Vivian could be cranky if she didn’t get enough sleep.

After I finish showering, I get dressed and pack my duffel bag for the trip. Jordan, Lexi’s sister Emma’s fiancé, was transporting us up to Foxwoods in a limo since he owns the transport company, as well as quite a bit of real estate around the northeast. I hope that one of the activities this weekend doesn’t involve strippers. It wasn’t my thing, but you know how guys get at bachelor parties. I had no intention of joining in if they did get one. Of course, I couldn’t imagine Hunter getting a stripper when his soon to be father in law was in attendance.

I just want to gamble a few rounds, have a nice juicy steak, and enjoy spending time with the guys—something I hadn’t done in a long time. It would be just a touch of normalcy that I hadn’t had in over two years. When I leave the bedroom, I find Noah sitting on the barstool, drinking a cup of coffee.

“Vivian is not very happy with you.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I forgot how loud the treadmill could be.”

“You ready for this weekend?”

“Yeah, it should be fun.”

“That’s not what I mean. Are you ready to be around a bunch of people?”

“I’m much better than I was. I just needed some time. I can’t wait to hit the tables.”

It’s true. I can’t wait to get my mind off what is going on at Eltech and my struggle to share my heart with Olivia. I get myself a cup of coffee, and we talk about what is going on at Wilton. My father is still angry that I didn’t come back to fill my position there. I just couldn’t be where Cassie was beside the fact that it wasn’t my passion. I didn’t want to work in real estate development any longer.

A few minutes later, Vivian appears, fully dressed and all smiles. She asks what we want for breakfast. I usually eat a bowl of oatmeal but don’t want to disappoint her, so I ask for pancakes, which are her specialty.

By 8:30 AM, we’re fed and ready to go. Hunter texts me to let me know they should be at the loft before nine. I’m just about to slip my phone in my pocket when it rings. Olivia. I walk to my bedroom so we can speak privately.

“Hi,” I answer quietly.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better. I’m ready to hit the casino.”

“We missed you at dinner last night. I missed you in my bed.”

I exhale loudly. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t feel up to it.”

“Lucian, did I do something wrong?”

“No. Why would you think that?”

“Because you seem cold to me. Was this just a physical thing? The sex, I mean.”

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