Page 19 of Awakened By Love

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“I’m sorry I’m late on the projections. I’ve been working overtime to get them out.”

“Olivia, it’s okay. We didn’t ask you here to interrogate you. I need Lucian to work with you to figure out production costs on your latest project.”

“Is that it?” She seems relieved.

“That’s it.”

“Lucian would like you to come to his office so you can spend some time together to work through the associated costs.”

“Sure, fine.”

I notice that she looks a bit anxious. She has her hands in her lap, but she’s ringing them.

I draw her attention as I lean forward. “Olivia, I’ll meet you in my office in a few minutes. Bring your paperwork, and we can start going over a few things.”

She rises from her chair and runs a hand through her long hair. “Just give me a few, I’ll be there in a little bit. I need to use the restroom.”

“Take your time,” I respond. “I’m in no hurry.”

After she practically runs from Zane’s office, we look at each other. Zane is smirking.

“What the hell is that look for?”

“I think you fluster Olivia. She’s usually sure of herself, but when you’re around, she becomes unraveled.”

“I think you’re ridiculous,” I say with a snort. “I didn’t notice anything different about her.”

“Listen, I know when a woman is titillated. And she is by your very presence.”

I lean back in my chair and cross my legs. “I’m not interested, and I doubt she is either.”

“My friend, ever since you gained weight and started dressing better, the women are starting to notice.”

“The attention is unwanted. I have no intention of getting involved with anyone.”

“Lucian, do you expect me to believe that you have no sexual interest in any of the women you encounter?”

“Zane, I’m not you with the flavor of the month or week.”

“I don’t have flavors. I just like to have sex.”

I lean in close, pointedly saying, “You’re covering up your feelings for Lana. She left you two years ago. Time to get over it and start a mature relationship.”

“Lana has nothing to do with this,” he snaps. “I just don’t want to entangle myself or be tied down.”

“You were ready for Lana, weren’t you? Do you know where she went?”

“I have no idea, nor do I care. She was the one who walked away with no word. One day she was there and the next she wasn’t. All I got was a shitty note about priorities.”

“If you don’t miss her, then why hook up with her look-a-likes? Why red-headed women with blue eyes?”

“They don’t all look like that. I just have a preference.”

I’m about to retort when Olivia pokes her head in the door to let me know that she was ready to discuss the production costs. I smirk at the scowl on Zane’s face and walk out of his office. I knew better than to listen to his excuses. I lead Olivia to my office and hold the door open for her, closing it behind us.

In the newer, more open space, I now had room for a round table with a few comfortable chairs. It didn’t take long for me to get used to spreading everything out so I could look over it at once. I gestured for Olivia to sit down; then, I took my seat. As she moved, I glance over her before she noticed I was looking. Pulling my eyes away, I shuffle papers. Despite my efforts to avoid my attraction for Olivia, it was there. The memory of Cassie rises in my mind, and I feel guilty about wanting another woman.

She hands me a folder that she brought with her, and I flip it open, looking through the printed sheets of cost projections. They seemed accurate, but only on the surface.

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