Page 95 of Twisted By Love

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I explain to him what happened with Cindy, Naomi, and why I needed him tonight.

“You should have called me. I want to be there for you, but you didn’t give me a chance. We have to communicate better. Tonight was just another example of how little we know about how to handle each other.”

“I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. I should have trusted you more.”

“I would never hurt you that way. And I never slept with anyone else while we were together. I made you a promise.

“Labor Day is this upcoming weekend. Maybe I should take you two to my grandparent’s house in Cape Cod. It’s in Yarmouth. You would like it—it’s right on the beach. I haven’t been there in a while, but I have a caretaker that comes every other week to clean. There’s a small cottage on the property, too. If we were ever to have guests, we could use it when the main house is full.”

“You mean you’d want our friends to come?”

“Friends, family, I want everyone to enjoy it. It’s a shame to own it when no one visits. I would be more than willing to share it with our family. I mean, your family.”

“No, it’s our family. You’re part of us.”

Chase smiles at that. I know being a part of a family again is what he wants, and I’m more than happy to have him in mine.

“Would you consider having another child?” he asks with a raised brow.

“Chase, we talked about this. Can my hormones at least settle back to normal? CJ is barely six months old.”

“How many children do you want to have?” he asks instead.

“Three are plenty. Don’t you think?”

With a hum, he says, “I’d like four if you can handle it.”

“I’m no spring chicken. I’m going to be thirty-one soon.”

“Then we better get moving,” he replies, chuckling.

Chapter 17

The rest of the week, I’m walking on pins and needles at work. I avoid congregation areas at the office—the break room, the lobby, and the bathroom. On top of that, I make sure to come in early and leave late. I only interact with a few employees on signoffs, but it’s hard to read what their sentiments towards me are. I hope that after a few weeks go by, they will forget and move on to something else. It amazes me how fast professionals get sucked into gossip.

On Friday, I feel more comfortable. I leave at 3:15 PM. Since it’s a holiday weekend, corporate decided to let everyone leave early. Chase was able to trade with some of the younger doctors so he could have the entire weekend off. I’m looking forward to seeing his home in Cape Cod.

So far, we have not had any more sightings of Barrett, and I’m hoping that his encounter with Chase scared him off. I worry that he might catch us in a situation we can’t escape from, but I don’t tell Chase about my fears because he’s probably aware.

When I get to Lexi’s, her apartment is quiet. All the kids are asleep, and I hate to wake CJ because he looks so peaceful. Chase will be home by seven, and despite it being Friday, no one is coming for family dinner tonight. Hunter and Rory are heading off to Montauk tonight, and Emma decided to spend the weekend at the Jersey shore. Rather than visiting, my parents went to Florida to visit my great aunt Mona.

“So, what are you doing this weekend?” Lexi asks.

“Chase is taking us to his vacation home in Yarmouth on Cape Cod.”

“Sounds nice. Have you been there before?”

“No. I didn’t even know he had a vacation home until recently.”

“It seems you don’t know much about each other.” The concern in Lexi’s voice is clear. She doesn’t want me to be hurt by him again.

“We don’t, but we’re trying to get up to speed. Even if we don’t make it as a couple, we’re still sorting out our pasts for CJ’s sake.”

“Is Chase alright with that? He seems very private.”

“He’s fine. He loves me and wants me to know.”

“Megan, I want you to be happy. You would tell me if you weren’t, right?”

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