Page 31 of Twisted By Love

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“So are we, and we sleep together.”

“Is that what you think? That I’m going to fuck Matty behind your back?”

“No, that you’re going to fuck him and end us.”

I’m about to say something, but I snap my mouth shut. End us? I didn’t know there was an ‘us.’

“Would you rather go home?”

“And leave you here by yourself, with him? No.”

“I mean, go home with me or take me home,” I clarify.

In the dim lights of the club, I see his face brighten. “You’d leave with me?”

“Yes, if that’s what you want.”

“I do.”

I get up, but he grabs my arm. “Where are you going?”

“To tell Hunter I’m leaving. You don’t want me to leave and have them wonder if the big bad wolf got me, right?”

Chase smiles at the implication of my reference.

Out on the street, the slight breeze feels good on my sweaty body. I want to go home and shower, but Chase has other ideas. He hails a cab and gives them an address that is not mine. It must be his, and it’s not far from where I live. Why didn’t he tell me he lives so close?

I lean against his shoulder while the cab traverses midtown. It’s then that I realize how tired I am, but I’m also curious about about what Chase has in mind. At his building, he helps me get out and leads me in right to the elevators. In passing, I survey the lobby that is lined with marble floors, dark wood, and gleaming stainless steel. He must get paid well to live here. Then again, he was an executive. I stumble a little, but he catches me as the elevator doors slide open.

“I told you those shoes were too high.”

“They’re fine. Stop worrying.”

Chase presses the button for the nineteenth floor, and the whirl of the motors fills my ears as we head up. I lean against the corner while he stands opposite of me with his arms crossed. He looks angry, but sometimes it’s hard to read his feelings. The elevator eventually dings, and he shifts, holding out his hand for me to take. A carpeted runner in the hallway leads us down to his apartment.

While letting me inside, he says, “Let’s get you out of that dress but first take those shoes off.”

He helps me remove my shoes, and then I follow him to his bedroom. I note that his apartment is huge, and I once again wonder how much he makes at Nolan to afford this place. You could get lost here!

His bedroom is masculine—a rich medium blue color painted on the walls. Artwork adorns each wall, and his bed is a king with an oversized beige padded headboard. Chase pulls the matching beige comforter down his bed to reveal the same shade of blue sheets as the walls.

“I have nothing to wear to bed,” I speak up.

“You’re not going to need anything,” he replies seductively.

Oh fuck, what does he had planned for me? He helps me slip off my dress, and when I go to open the clasp on my bra, he practically yells for me to wait, which startles me.

“I’m sorry, I want to do it,” he explains.

I pull my hands away as Chase approaches me. I’m partially holding my breath as his fingers brush the clasp. His chest is nearly pressed against my face, so I close the gap and bury my nose in it to inhale his scent. Once my bra is unhooked, we’re so close that it remains pinned between us. Not letting it fall, he skims his fingers around my ribs and slips them under the cups.

“I love your breasts.”

What am I to say to that? It’s not my doing; it’s genetics.

“Thank you,” I mumble.

“Baby, you’re tired. Let’s get you into bed.”

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