Page 120 of Twisted By Love

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“You’re hot,” I tease.

“So are you.”

“Not that kind of hot. I thought you left last night.”

“When? I got up a few hours ago because CJ was crying. He needed a diaper change, and after that, I stopped by the kitchen.”

“I thought we were back to last year where we were going to have sex and no relationship,” I confide.

“Time apart made me realize how much I need you in my life,” he assures. “I love you.”

“Chase, we should talk. I want to know what you want from our relationship. Are we just co-parenting with occasional sex?”

“Only if you want that, but I don’t. I want a committed relationship. I’ll do anything to make up for what I’ve done.”

“What have you done?”

“I’ve hurt you. I’ve hurt CJ. I was selfish.”

“But I also know you to be a kind, giving man. You let your guilt control you. Don’t. I’ve forgiven you for what happened. Don’t let your family history be your future.”

His worried expression eases. “I need you to help me.”

We continue to talk about what we need in a relationship. I am willing to try as long as Chase is, and after two hours, we manage to pretty much hash out big things. By the time CJ wakes up, we’ve discussed living situations and possibly combining our household into one. But Chase knows I need time to make sure what’s going on between us will stay settled.

Chapter 23

CJ’s First Birthday

Today is March fifteenth, CJ’s first birthday, and we’re having a party for him. I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get things in order. All my family is invited, along with several friends. I’m trying to finish off the food trays when Chase walks through the door with a ton of balloons with Happy Birthday emblazoned across them. Seeing him so enthused about CJ’s big day makes me recall how we’ve gotten to this point.

Two weeks ago, CJ and I moved into Chase’s apartment. Most of my furniture now belongs to Emma and her new roommate, with some going to Nathaniel’s apartment. The rest we donated since Chase let me choose new furniture to furnish his place.

Months ago, when I first came to his apartment, I was surprised at the number of pictures he had of us. He had also found my destroyed phone on the counter at his beach home and brought the storage card back before discarding the rest in the garbage.

Since it held many photos of Chase and CJ together, I was elated at its recovery. Unbeknownst to me, Chase had taken many of CJ and me too. They now lined the walls in a multitude of professionally done collages. Chase told me that he needed something to keep him going, and looking at our pictures daily gave him hope.

While I decorate the apartment, I try to keep an eye on CJ. Our son has become impossible since he started walking. I keep telling Chase how much I’m looking forward to Mondays at work so I can get a rest from our little traveler. Of course, that’s a lie. I miss Chase and CJ whenever I’m away. Chase has been pressuring me to stay home with him, but I’m not sure I’ll be happy with that alone.

“Where do you want me to put the balloons?” Chase asks.

“Anywhere. Just let them go and take your son out from under my feet.”

Chase comes to pluck CJ from hanging off the leg of my jeans while I finish preparing things in the kitchen. He throws him up in the air several times, and CJ giggles excitedly. It’s music to my ears. While they play, I quickly wipe my hands on the apron I’m wearing and snap a picture of them.

I’ve never been happier, and Chase has proven to me that our love is the glue that will keep our family together. As was planned before the incident, we recently changed CJ’s last name to Pearce, and Chase added me, against my protestations, as his beneficiary to his insurance and investments.

An hour later, the apartment is full of family, friends, and the sounds of children. Lexi takes me to the side after I excuse myself from a conversation.

“Are you happy?” she asks.

I’m not at all offended by the question because I know Lexi cares about my well-being.

“I’m more than happy. I’m ecstatic,” I respond with a grin. “Things are going well.”

“Any chance of having another baby, then?” she teases.

“We’ve discussed it, but I want to wait at least another year. CJ keeps us both busy right now.”

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