Page 115 of Twisted By Love

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“Why do you say that?”

“Before he hit me, he said that the Pearce name would die that night.”

“You think he killed himself?”

“I do, but who knows where he did it. Until they find him, I can’t go back to New York. You and CJ are better off without me. Look what I brought upon you.”

“We all survived. You can’t let this break us apart because this will make us stronger.”

“Megan, I can’t love you. I don’t deserve your love or CJ’s. I can support you financially, but I can’t do anything further.”

“What are you fucking saying?” I hiss.

“I almost ruined you and CJ. Barrett is right; I deserve to be alone.”

“Don’t say that! You said you loved me.”

“I did, but I can’t be loved. I don’t deserve love. If he isn’t dead, he could be out there waiting. You need to get away from me.”

“And if I don’t?”

“It’s not your decision,” he cries. “I don’t want you anymore. Stay away from me. Go home—find someone who can protect and love you the way you should be. I can’t give that to you. I told you I never could! I was fooling myself into thinking I could, and I’m sorry I deceived you.”

“What about CJ?” I plead. “He’s going to grow up without you? Is that what you want?”

“I’m a Pearce. It’s inside me. I can’t change. Before long, I’ll become bitter like my father. It happens to us all. CJ needs love, and he needs it from you and your family. I need to call my attorney. CJ can’t carry my name.”

I stare at him incredulously, my already hurting head aching worse than before. How could he think that he would ever turn into his father? That CJ wouldn’t want to know him or carry his name? I don’t know what to say, and I can see that Chase is not going to change his mind. Before I can break down, I inhale sharply to keep my tears at bay and wheel out of the room without a word.

Lexi is waiting for me expressionlessly, and she summons an orderly to take me downstairs, where JC is waiting with Emma and CJ. My clothes are still at Chase’s house, but I had my purse brought to the hospital last night. I don’t want to go back there. I have enough clothing for CJ at home, and there is nothing I’m leaving behind that I’m worried about. When I get back to the city, I’ll only have to replace my phone.

No one questions me on the drive home. We only stop a few times to change CJ and stretch our legs. My wonderful family made sure to get things ready for the drive, including bottles of formula. I’m numb. My head is so fucked up between my concussion and what Chase said that I need assistance doing the most basic things. As a result, the decision was made for me—I’m going to be staying with JC and Lexi for a bit until I’m okay to be on my own.

Three days later, I’m ready to go home. I feel better, though I still have occasional dizzy spells. But my head has stopped hurting so much, and I think I’m capable of taking care of CJ on my own. I haven’t heard a word from Chase, and I don’t expect to, but I shut myself off from feeling anything when he comes up in my mind.

Lexi takes me home while my parents watch Johnny and Arabella. They were horrified to learn of what happened to us. I can’t say I blame them. I’ve had a few nightmares over the past few days about Barrett, and I wonder if he’s out there somewhere. I know one thing; I’m not going to live my life in fear.

After I’m settled at home, Lexi leaves me alone. I forget about it as I put CJ down for a nap. But as I sift through the mail while I sit in bed, I notice the letter from Chase. Inside is a short note and a check for twenty thousand dollars.


I hope you and CJ are on the mend. Kiss him for me; I wish I could do it myself. I’m sorry I couldn’t be what you wanted. I’m sorry you and CJ had to suffer for my sins. I wish I could change what happened, but it’s part of our history now. Enclosed is a check for child support. I’ll have my attorney send checks each month.


Dr. Chase Pearce

What the fuck? Sincerely? We were partners! He talked about marrying me now. It’s sincerely? Is he mad?! I don’t need twenty thousand dollars a month to take care of CJ. I want to tear the check-up into tiny pieces, but if that’s how Chase wants to play it, then I’ll open an account for CJ and start building a college fund.

My heart is heavy as I fold the note and place it in my nightstand. I can’t believe how this has blown up in such a short amount of time. The second I lay down on my pillow, I start to cry. When I’m dried out, I go through the motions and turn on the small television mounted on the wall opposite my bed. The news is on, and our pictures are splashed all over.

SHIT! Detective Stone said he would contact me if they found anything out about Barrett, but I hadn’t received so much as a call. According to the anchor, they found him hanging from a tree. He had been living in a makeshift camping area in the woods, and some hikers came upon him. They explained how it was suspected that he had been dead for about five days. Vengeful anger flares up in my chest. So he made good on the promise to end the Pearce name that night. He left a note, but they won’t say what was in it.

My cell starts ringing, and I ignore it. I’m sure everyone that knows me is going to want to know the details. I’m not in the mood to talk, even to my family. I shut the volume off and put it back on my nightstand. When I got back to the city, JC was able to get me the same model phone I had that Barrett had smashed.

Resolving myself, I get up and go to CJ’s room. He’s fast asleep, but I need to feel him close to me, so I pick up his little body and bring him to my bed. My poor baby. When I think of what could have happened to him, I’m grateful for those people that found him. I still haven’t had a chance to thank them, but I owe them everything. Thinking about CJ’s luck, I fall asleep.

When I wake, CJ is still snoozing, and only forty-five minutes have passed. I roll onto my back but can’t fall back to sleep. I reach over to my drawer and check my cell. My sisters, mother, and Hunter have all called me numerous times. Olivia and Matty both texted me, and I even got an email from Dr. Revere. I hope that people will figure out that I want to be left alone. I don’t want to be hounded as some news item.

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