Page 107 of Twisted By Love

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I have no issue staying at Chase’s, so I can pack our bags and figured I’ll head over there early. Last time I was there, I noticed that he needed some housework done, and since I’m free, I may as well help him out.

After I get CJ fed and dressed, I prep a bag with some baby food, make sure I have everything, then leave for Chase’s apartment. There, I give some toys to CJ, so he’s occupied while I clean. Though I don’t normally go into Chase’s office, I want to dust in there too. My heart warms when I notice that he placed pictures of CJ and me on his desk, as well as the shelf behind it.

Carefully, I move things around on his desk because I don’t want to seem lazy by dusting around everything. When I accidentally bump the duster against a pile of papers, they slip to the floor. Cursing, I bend down to pick them up but pause curiously. One of the papers is an investment statement, and I’m flabbergasted to see how much money Chase has in his accounts. Struggling with what to do, I know I shouldn’t be looking, but I can’t pull my attention away from the fact that Chase is a millionaire, and that might not be everything he has. When he said he could support me and CJ, he didn’t mean just on his salary, apparently.

Feeling guilty for invading his privacy, I stack everything back on the desk and leave the room. I hope I put it back in order, but I can’t be sure. My nerves are on edge, and I wonder if I should just come clean and tell him what I found. The issue I’m worried about is that he’ll think that I was purposefully snooping through his stuff.

Hours later, and still trying to distract myself, I have a tuna casserole in the oven, and I’m reading a magazine when Chase comes through the door. He kisses me and sits down next to CJ to play with him before I put him to bed for the night.

“Something smells good,” he comments.

“It’s just a simple tuna casserole. Sorry that it’s not something fancier.”

“Megan, did I ask for something fancy? Anything you make, I’ll eat.”

“Well, it’s certainly never going to be Le Alais fancy.”

“When we were together, what did we order for takeout? Was it fancy?”

“No, but that was different.”

“How so? I don’t eat French food all the time. It was special, and I wanted to take you there because you’re special to me.”

He picks CJ up and cradles him in his arms, taking him to his bedroom. I get dinner onto plates so that when Chase comes out, it’s ready.

“It tastes delicious,” Chase says after his first forkful.

“I’m glad you like it.”

After dinner, Chase retires to his office so he can take care of some of his financial obligations, which makes me nervous all over again. I clean the kitchen and settle in the living room with a half a glass of wine, attempting to read an article in Cosmopolitan about sex when Chase calls me into his office.

“What’s up?” I ask, my voice tight.

“Were you in here today?”

“Yes. I was dusting.”

“Did you touch my papers?”

I’m not sure how to process the tone of his voice, but I refuse to lie. “I move some to dust, and they fell on the floor. I promise that I wasn’t snooping around. I would never do that.”

“Did you see my portfolio statements?”

I hesitate for a second. “Yes, I’m sorry. I feel like an asshole. I’ll never come in here again.”

“Megan, it’s okay,” he assures. “I was going to discuss some of these things with you anyhow. You should know how much money I have because I was going to call my financial advisor and have the beneficiaries changed on my accounts. When we go to the attorney tomorrow, I’ll be asking him to make changes to my will too. Amberlynn is the current beneficiary, and she shouldn’t be. You and CJ should.

I shake my head. “Please, just CJ.”

“You and CJ.”

“Chase, you don’t owe me anything. We’re not engaged or married. CJ is your flesh and blood.”

“We’re not engaged because that’s your choice, but I can will my money to anyone I wish.”

“That’s true, but I prefer you will it to your son.”

“Our son. If anything happens to me, I want you to be taken care of as much as him.”

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