Page 80 of Hard as Stone

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“Start of the year.”

I held my breath as I heard him curse on the other side of the line.

“You mean the time we’re getting married and going on our honeymoon? That start of the year?”

“Yes,” I said quietly.

“Fucking dammit. We should postpone everything then. I don’t want to be a newlywed without my wife.”

I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the can behind my desk. “I would be home for a few days a week.”

“That’s not good enough for me. I want you here all the time.”

“You’re forcing me to choose between my career and my husband.”

The tone of his voice was like ice, and it made me shudder. “I’m not your husband yet, and it looks like it’s going to be a while before that happens.”

“Why can’t you take the semester off?”

“Why don’t I just quit my job and let my wife support me? Hey, here’s an even better idea. Have a baby, and I’ll become a stay at home, daddy? You bring home the bacon, and I’ll fry it. Sound good?”

“You don’t have to be sarcastic.”

“I can’t quit my job. I love teaching, and if you knew me at all, you would know that. Besides, we’re losing one of our professors to maternity leave, and I need to pick up a couple of sections to cover for next semester. I can’t take off.”

“Can we discuss this when I get home?”

“Which home? Yours? Here’s another idea, why don’t I sell my house. Would you like that?”

“This conversation is not productive. You’re angry, and I get it.”

Austin’s voice raised another octave. “Do you, Samantha? Do you get it or are you just trying to appease me?”

I raised mine to match his. “Appease you? I think it’s too late for that. You’re already pissed off.”

“I’ll see you tonight. My house.”

Austin hung up before I could answer, and I sat there looking at the receiver before I put it into the cradle. I hoped I would never have to have this conversation with him, but it was happening. I spent the rest of the day in a fog and left just after five, barely looking at Antonio as I slipped into the car for the drive to Austin’s.

“Samantha, is everything alright?”

“Not really. I have a dilemma.”

“Can I help?”

“I’m not sure anyone can.”

“Tell me, maybe I can offer some advice.”

“I’ve been asked by Spotlight to spend a few months in New York getting an office up and running. I would be bicoastal during that time, splitting days between here and there. Austin is not happy, and I understand, but he’s angry. He wants to postpone the wedding.”

“That is a dilemma. Have you asked him to come with you?”

“He can’t take time off from his position, and he’s not too keen on me being away a few days a week.”

“Suppose you don’t take on the role?”

“Then, my position with Spotlight might be diminished. In other words, I could be demoted. I could never stay if that happened. I love my job. I don’t want to start over somewhere else.”

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