Page 93 of Broken By Love

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“So, I’m just supposed to watch Noah take you off into the sunset?”

“Yes. He’s marrying me in less than four months.”

JC says nothing, then grabs my face between his hands and kisses me, hard. His tongue spears into my mouth, probing the recesses. I’m not sure what to do, but my belly clenches and I begin to respond, then realize what’s happening. I wrench my face out of his hands and pull away, slapping his cheek for good measure.

“Lexi, please, I’m sorry. Can’t you see he’s wrong for you?”

“He’s not wrong for me. Noah has been nothing but decent. You hurt me all through our relationship, and I kept letting you get away with it. Why wasn’t I good enough for you, tell me that?”

“You were more than good. I don’t know why I couldn’t stop. I knew I fucked up each time I did it.”

“It’s too late for you. You had your chance.”

As I walk away from him, salty tears sting my eyes.

Back at the table, Lucian is sitting drinking a whiskey and twirling the cocktail napkin that came with it under his finger.

“What’s the matter?” I ask.

He gestures with his head to the dance floor, where Megan is pressed up against Hunter again. They should get it over with and have sex already. I know it’s going to lead there. The look on Lucian’s face tells me he has a thing for Megan too.

“Do you like Megan?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Yes, it is. Go ask her to dance. I’ll run some interference with Hunter.”

We both get up, and I cut in-between Megan and Hunter and begin dancing with him. Lucian sidles up and takes my sister in his arms. In a couple of minutes, they’re hardly moving, and their mouths are pressed against the other. I look at Hunter and he shrugs, continuing to dance with me.

For most of the rest of the night, I manage to stay away from JC. I know he’s hurt because he stays seated at the table and nurses the Jack and Coke he ordered a couple of hours ago. I feel bad, but he had his chance long ago.

I go back to the table with Lucian and Megan; Hunter is off dancing with two women. He got over Megan pretty quickly. JC keeps glancing at me, and I give him a weak smile. I can’t give him what he wants.

Chapter 19

It’s nearly, 2:00 AM when we leave. We get out to the sidewalk, and Megan announces Lucian is coming back to her friend Cindy’s apartment. Her friend is away and gave her a key. I have a feeling a love connection is about to take place. So great, I get to sleep in the apartment alone. I’m not at all happy.

They’re not even sharing a cab with us since Cindy lives a few blocks from the club. They’ll walk, and JC and I get to share an awkward cab ride home. I don’t want to say no because it’s late, so I let him hail a cab and slide in while he holds the door for me. Several silent minutes later, he starts talking.

“I’m sorry I did what I did. Please don’t hate me.”

“JC, I don’t hate you. You’re confused.”

“I’m not confused. I’ve never been surer of something in my life.”

“Why couldn’t you tell me this years ago? Why now?”

“I was afraid you’d turn me down.”

“I have to turn you down. I belong with Noah.”

“I don’t believe you do. I believe we were made for each other. If you give me a chance to show you, I’ve changed.”

“Do you know what you’re asking? You’re asking me to break it off with Noah on the verge of my marriage to him. And suppose I did, and it didn’t work out?”

“Are you saying you have feelings for me?”

“No, don’t twist my words.”

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