Page 4 of Broken By Love

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“Yes. She has her book club, yoga, spin class, pottery class, and a few other things.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Brianna doesn’t work?”

“Why should she? I make plenty to support us both. She’s finding herself. Besides, she isn’t much older than Nikki and has plenty of time to start her career.”

It doesn’t surprise me. JC always could have his head easily turned by a younger woman. At least he did when we were together. I don’t know why I was so upset when he broke off our engagement. I should’ve been relieved.

The awkward silence sets in again, and I absentmindedly chew on my bottom lip while I fiddle with my silverware. The next thing I know, JC is dislodging it from between my teeth with his thumb. I want to close my eyes at his touch but instead scowl at him. His fingers are still soft, and I catch a hint of his cologne on them. It raises another memory, one when JC would cup my face and give me the sweetest kisses before we parted for class or said goodnight.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. You never did break out of that habit. It always gave you away when you were nervous.”

He was right. I was nervous, and I didn’t know why. We were just two colleagues having lunch. It wasn’t like we were having a midday tryst or anything. I decided to keep the conversation light, asking about what my duties would be and the upcoming projects. I was glad when our meal came because JC seemed to be preoccupied.

Lunch conversation was subdued, and I concentrated on my Quiche Lorraine while he ate his New York strip steak. The end of lunch couldn’t come fast enough, and I declined dessert when offered.

On the way out of the restaurant, JC firmly planted his hand on my back, gently steering me towards the door. It was an act he had done hundreds of times when we were together. And just that small gesture was making me wet. I felt guilty as we walked back to the office, praying the elevator would have other people in it when we ascended to the tenth floor. I didn’t want to be alone with JC. I was fortunate when others entered on the second floor.

We said goodbye at my office door. I watched JC gracefully head to his office, ducking into my own before he turned to see me staring. I didn’t have even fifteen seconds to compose myself before Nikki breezed in.

“Did you have a good lunch?”

“Uh, yes. It was filling.”

She cocked her head at me with a puzzled look and lowered her voice. “How can you deal with being so close to him?”

“Excuse me?”

“I don’t mean to sound like a silly schoolgirl, but Mr. Lawson is so handsome. I get flustered when he’s around.”

You and me both, I thought.

“Nikki, close the door.”

Again, the puzzled look, but she complied, and I gestured for her to sit in one of the brown leather chairs in front of my desk.

“JC, uh, Mr. Lawson, and I have some history.”

Her eyes widened.

“We attended high school in New Jersey and college together right here in the city. We dated for three years, and right after our graduation, he asked me to marry him.”

Nikki’s large blue eyes grew wide. “You were engaged to Mr. Lawson?”

“Yes, briefly. We worked at Carver and Carver. He got the marketing position I was up for, and shortly after that, he broke off our engagement. I left to work for Richards and that’s where I was until now.”


I could see the wheels in her head turning. She probably dreamed about him. If JC wasn’t married to Brianna, Nikki was just the type of girl he could go for, all blonde, blue-eyed, and bubbly with an ass as tight as a drum, totally enamored of him. She had no idea what he was really like.

“It’s ancient history. I’m engaged now, and JC is married.”

“I hope I didn’t upset you when I said he was handsome.”

“Not at all. We should be professional from now on and not talk about his looks.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s forgotten. Now let’s go over some of the items we need to start working on for the end of the week.”

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