Page 20 of Broken By Love

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“I think it’s time to go. I need some sleep. Noah is coming home tomorrow, and I’m sure I won’t get much.”

“Oh, does he often keep you up at night?”

“As a matter of fact, he does. Noah is very giving.”

I watched JC’s eyebrows raise in surprise and lowered my voice.

“Did you think you were the only one that could give me mind-blowing orgasms?”

He smirked, and I realized I used the wrong words. “So, I gave you mind-blowing orgasms?”

“Maybe, but you’re not the only one. Our relationship wasn’t only about sex.”

“I know that, but the sex was good, wasn’t it? At least admit that?”

“Yes, it was when you weren’t having it with other women.”

He ignored my comment and dug around in his wallet for his credit card. After JC paid the bill, we made our way out to the street. The evening was still hot. Fortunately, I didn’t have to walk far to get to the subway station.

“Do you want to split a cab?”

“No. Don’t you live in the opposite direction?”

“Yes, but I promised to drop by to see my parents tonight. My mother is getting over a cold. They live close to you.”

“I’m taking the subway if you want to join me.”

“I prefer a cab.”

JC cupped my chin, and for a moment, I thought he would kiss me as he had the night before. I wasn’t sure what I would do if he did.

Chapter 5

We stared at each other for a moment, and his eyes darted to my full lips. I held my breath, powerless to remove my face from JC’s hand. The frustration I felt was a cross between sexual tension and bewilderment. I made my move, heading for the door and pulling out my key. My heart throttled in my chest. I resisted the urge to look back and see if JC was watching as I slipped inside.

Ugh. I questioned why I was having these feelings for JC. Once inside, the throb between my legs drove me to a cold shower as the punishment of my betrayal to Noah. If I couldn’t resolve my emotions for my former lover, my relationship with my current one would be doomed.

The next morning, I woke up just before the alarm went off at 5:40 AM. I was happy to have slept through the night. My body had wandered over to the middle of the bed, and I found myself sleeping on Noah’s pillow. The smell of it gave me comfort and I was happy he would be home today.

I quickly showered and again put on Noah’s bathrobe. I flipped through the mail I had brought up yesterday and found a plain white envelope, with generous girly script, addressed to Noah. I flipped it over and there was no return address, but the postmark indicated it came within the city.

I was curious as to who sent it, but that was Noah’s business. I wouldn’t invade his privacy by opening the letter. I brought it to his office and laid it on his desk with the other mail. If he wanted to tell me who it was from, he would.

The day went quickly, and I saw little of JC. I think he was embarrassed by his revelation about his marriage. Nikki and I worked on the Camilla project and scheduling with the art department. By five, I still hadn’t heard from Noah, and I hoped that he’d arrived home safely. I met JC in the elevator when I was leaving for the day. He slipped inside as the doors were closing.

“Hi, I haven’t seen you all day,” he said.

“I was working with Nikki today. We have the Camilla project. I also finished the final copy for The Kingston Group. I need you to look it over tomorrow morning and we can send over the proofs for approval.”

“Great, I appreciate you taking on the completion. I’ll be sure to let Vincent and Marco know you’re finished. Let’s get together in the morning.”

He smiled at me as we stepped out of the elevator and into the noisy lobby. JC walked away from me without looking back, and I watched him slip through the glass doors and out into the late spring sunshine.

When I got home, the fragrant smell of roses was in the air, and I spied the vase with two dozen red ones on the kitchen table. I kicked off my shoes and placed them in the closet in the entryway, then went to look for Noah. I found him in his office going through the mail I had placed there.

He smiled when I entered and stood up to meet me as I came into the room. Embracing me, he buried his nose in my hair then moved his lips to my neck and finally claimed my mouth with his own.

“I missed these lips,” he mumbled against them.

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