Page 72 of Ignite

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“Daddy, I think I can handle living in a house with a male for the next week. I’m not a baby anymore. What does it matter if I stay down here with David or if he was in the main house with me?”

“Because I would be there. I won’t be here.”

“I’m sure David will keep his hands to himself, won’t you, David?”

David nodded his head because he wasn’t sure what to say. Her father told her to make sure she called her sister and brother to let them know she was here and then he left, closing the door a little too hard.

She called her siblings, promising Michael that she would come over first thing tomorrow to see the children. Brooke said she would be over the next afternoon so the kids could swim. Ava wanted to swim right then and start getting her mind and body back into shape, but she had been told that she would have to wait for her tattoo to heal. So she just went out to dangle her feet in the pool. David followed and sat next to her.

“Why don’t we take a swim together?”

“I can’t. I just got a new tattoo, and I need to let it heal.”

“Can I see it?”

“It’s in a place that’s private.”

“I’ll never understand why people do that. It’s a piece of artwork that should be shown and you hide it under clothing.”

“It’s for my eyes only. I don’t need to show it to the world.”

“Suit yourself.” He jumped into the pool and started to swim laps.

She watched him for awhile and then went into the pool house to watch TV. She was tired and ended up falling asleep. She woke up as droplets from David’s hair dripped onto her arm.

“Hey, do you mind? You’re getting me wet.”

“Sorry, I was going to wake you to see if you wanted to watch a movie. Rear Window is on and its one of my favorites.”

A smile bloomed on her face because unbeknownst to him, it was her favorite, too.

“Sure, I love that movie.”

He pulled up the movie and went to change. He came back wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. He went to make popcorn in the microwave and sat next to her to share the bowl.

When her favorite scene played, where Grace Kelly was sitting on James Stewart’s lap, kissing him, she fixed her eyes on the television. After it was over, she sighed loudly.

“I just love that scene. It’s so sexy.”

David laughed. “You think that’s sexy? I guess when you think about it, it sort of is.”

She had dropped a piece of popcorn on her shirt, and he plucked it off and offered it to her. She took it off his fingers with her lips. He offered her another, and she did the same. She knew she was going down a slippery slope, but she couldn’t stop herself. He leaned over and put the bowl on the table then took her face between his hands and kissed her gently.

He moved his mouth from her lips to her neck and sucked at it while his hands cupped her breasts. She placed her hand between them and grasped his growing length. He moaned against her neck, which caused her to wake out of the trance.

“David, we have to stop. This isn’t right,” she whispered as she removed her hand from him.

He pulled back, brushed the hair from her face and looked into her eyes.

“What isn’t right about it? You want this; I want this. We aren’t related.”

“We don’t know each other very well. Suppose our parents get married? Then we have this between us, stepchildren that screwed each other.”

He pulled his hands away, exclaiming “Geez, when you put it like that it sounds so, so, incestuous.”

“Ugh, I’m sorry I said it like that,” She groaned.

He picked up the bowl of popcorn and they went back to watching the movie. After the movie was over, Ava said goodnight to David and went to her side of the pool house to go to bed. The day of travel had taken a lot out of her. She got undressed and put on a t-shirt and slipped under the covers.

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