Page 63 of Ignite

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She woke up later that morning back in her own bed to several texts from Tim. Unknown to her, Tim had been pacing his apartment. When had sent the emails to both Ava and Xander, he had already blocked Xander’s email and phone number from her phone. For nearly twenty-four hours he had been waiting for her to call him as she cried, but he never heard from her. He thought she would want him to comfort her.

He checked her phone activity, and there was none, not even to her family. He finally broke down and texted her that he wanted to run in the park that morning. She checked the clock, and there was no way she was going. Besides she had a bit of hangover from all the alcohol, she drank last night. She texted him to let him know she was going to relax and take it easy. They would have to set something up later in the week.

* * *

Tim was headinginto work on Monday morning and was surprised that Ava had not texted or called him other than reply to his text on Saturday morning that she didn’t want to go for a run. He expected her to fall apart and want him to comfort her. Either she was reclusive, or she wasn’t as hurt as he thought she would be. He had tracked her to a bar near her house and then to some apartment in the village. She was there for several hours. He wondered who lived there. He had no idea what he had set in motion and started to wonder if it was going to happen as he had envisioned.

The next day Ava got into work in the nick of time. Victoria had sent her an email with instructions for her work for that day. She was tired and had no motivation, though she started working on the contracts as told. After four years of doing this, she was bored. She had only finished two contracts when 1:00 PM came, and it was time for her to leave. She dropped them off with Victoria who was annoyed that she hadn’t finished more than two.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Usually you finish five contracts during a half day. And I notice a few typos. I can’t use these. You are going to have to correct them and reprint.”

Ava wasn’t paying attention to her. She was rubbing some imaginary dust off of her shoes.

“Ava, what is the problem with you today?”

“Not a thing. I’m fine. Can I go?”

“Very well, but fix these contracts the minute you arrive tomorrow. The clients are coming tomorrow afternoon, and I want to have all the paperwork in order.”

“Yeah, no problem.”

She left Victoria’s office before the woman piled more bullshit on her. She couldn’t wait to get home because she needed a drink. She thought about going to the gym, but that was the old Ava. The new Ava was going to do what she wanted when she wanted. Tim had already texted her around lunchtime, asking her to go for an evening run. He was getting pretty annoying.

When she arrived home, she took a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with ice. She had put a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka in the freezer door some time ago. This was what she needed. She filled her glass part of the way with vodka and went to sit on the couch to read her mail. Same old monthly crap. She received an email message that her Visa statement was available. It was over seventeen thousand dollars this month. She had spent quite a bit on that wasted trip to California and then this past Saturday was another fourteen thousand on her new clothes and shoes. She was glad her father was no longer in control of her money, or he would have had a fit.

After she had finished the vodka, she sucked on the ice cubes from the glass. Tim once again texted her; he wanted her to take her to dinner. She was in no mood to exchange mindless banter with him. He was annoying her, and she suspected that he had other intentions besides being her friend. She texted him back to let him know she was staying in for the night. She went to her bedroom to take a nap.

Ava managed to avoid Tim until Wednesday. He was pressing her to spend at least one day of the Labor Day weekend with him. Her aunt and uncle usually had an end of summer barbecue. She hadn’t seen any of them for awhile, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go to the party. Rachel would want to know how things were going with Xander, and she didn’t want to have to explain they were no longer together.

She finally texted Tim and told him that she would go for a run in the park on Thursday. She already had plans for the night because she had texted Luca to meet her at Commons again. Wednesday was ladies night, and she wanted to fill up on cheap margaritas and maybe stop by his apartment for a quick fuck.

She went upstairs to shower and find something to wear. Commons was just starting to get crowded when she arrived. Luca was already waiting and had saved a small table in the corner. He bought her a Cosmo and she sipped it. She kept stroking his arm while she talked to him. She could see the desire in his eyes, but she needed a few drinks in her before she fucked him. Six o’clock rolled around, and she ordered an extra large margarita to share with Luca. After two of them, she was feeling the effects. Luca suggested they go back to his apartment.

He carried her piggyback up the three flights of stairs to his place. When he opened the door, she noticed that he had organized and cleaned the place. It looked like he built shelving for his books and put away his clothing. The bed was neatly made, and the kitchen was free of clutter. He offered her another drink, but she declined. Instead, she kissed him and started to work her way to his neck. He fondled her breasts and began unbuttoning her blouse. She sped up the process by shimmying out of her short skirt.

When they were both undressed, he helped her onto the kitchen island and pulled her to the edge of it. He lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and began licking her. He was good at it, very good. He brought her to the edge several times before he stood up, slipped on a condom and fucked her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he moved inside her.

Ava could feel him pulsing with each thrust. She lay back on the cold counter with her head practically in the sink and began playing with her nipples. His fingers massaged her clit and she started to come, squeezing him during it, he grunted when he shot his load. Later he took her again while she was bent over the arm of the couch.

She got home before midnight, stripped out of her clothing and slipped into bed naked. She would have to be up for work the next morning, and she already had the start of a headache from drinking too much.

It was so unlike her, but she didn’t care. She also hadn’t bothered to study this week either. What was the point since the exam was six months away? Her entire demeanor had changed. Even her dress had become more provocative, and she was enjoying it. She loved to walk the streets with her sunglasses on and watch men as they gaped at her cleavage or turned to eye her legs or ass. She was even getting more attention than usual from the men at work.

The non-fraternization policy was still in effect so they wouldn’t ask her out, but there were a few guys she would definitely fuck. As 1:00 PM rolled around she gathered her things together. Victoria wasn’t in her office, so she dropped off the folders and went home. She was pretty sure that she had found all her errors and fixed them. A short week ago there would be no errors. The change in her was profound.

The heat hit her like a wall when she exited the building. She wasn’t sure she wanted to go running with Tim; it was too hot. She texted him, and he kept giving her a hard time about running, so she got changed and met him at the park. All the alcohol she had been drinking was having an effect on her conditioning. She could only manage one mile before she got winded and had to sit down.

Tim thought she might be sick, but she said she was just tired, also complaining it was way too hot to be running. He walked her back to her apartment building and leaned in to kiss her. Actually, it was more like a brush on her cheek because she moved back when he went to kiss her.

* * *

The next morningshe was a bit disheveled. She had forgotten to set her alarm and only had twenty minutes to shower, dress and catch a cab to the office. Victoria was already pissed at her, and she didn’t want to listen to the woman drone about how irresponsible she was if she was late.

As she headed to the elevators, she saw Sam waiting for one and ducked to the side until she entered a car and the doors closed. Ava had been avoiding her for the past week. She didn’t want to explain anything or make small talk. By the time she got to her desk, she was a few minutes late. She checked her email. In bold letters on the subject line was one from Victoria. SEE ME IMMEDIATELY. There was nothing in the text. Fuck, what had she done now?

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