Page 82 of Blood Sport

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I laugh at Candie’s message and shake my head, slipping the device back into my small black side bag. I’m glad I decided to wear black denim shorts tonight and not a dress or skirt. Although, not wearing pants around Jaylen does have its perks. Images from the night of the Halloween party weave their way into my mind. I can still feel the way Jaylen gripped my ass cheeks, spreading them as he pulled me flush against his hard cock.

Having sex out in the woods while it’s raining would be some people’s nightmare because of how dirty it can be and the possibility lingering in the back of their minds that they could be caught at any second. Not to mention there is a fucking serial killer on the loose. But me? I couldn't care less. I welcome the danger because I know that when I’m with Jaylen, I am not only safe but also because all logic goes out the goddamn window, no matter how hard I try to reign it in.

You only live once, right?

The roaring of an engine draws my attention to the road, and I watch as Jaylen pulls his motorcycle up to the curb. I’ll never get used to seeing this man on a motorcycle. He lowers his leg to the ground to stabilize the bike before he pulls the helmet off, his curls bouncing around his face.

“Hey,” he says, gesturing for me to come closer. “You ready?”

I nod as I step up to the bike. Jaylen turns on the seat to face me, his ocean eyes locked on mine. He smiles, reaching his hand out to rest on my cheek. I hold my breath when his finger traces my bottom lip, the movement holding me captive as I watch his face, unable to do anything else.

“So pretty,” he says softly before dropping his hand to slide the helmet over my head.

“You’re such a tease,” I huff as he tightens the strap under my chin.

He grins and lets his hands fall to his side as he inspects the helmet. “Only for my little angel.” Jaylen pats the seat behind him. “Hop on.”

I glance up and down the straight, not looking for anyone in particular but just hoping my brother doesn’t appear out of nowhere before sliding on behind Jaylen. When I wrap my arms around his waist, his left hand drops to my calf before sliding up to my thigh, his skin cold against mine.

He hums in disappointment and pulls his hand away. “You’re not wearing a dress.”

I roll my eyes. “Maybe you should’ve requested it earlier.”

“I’ll know for next time.”

“Only if you’re lucky,” I tease, pressing my chest into his back. I smile at the audible groan that leaves his throat.

If Jaylen only wants to drive me home to spend this short amount of time together, I’m not complaining. I don’t know his intentions, but I’m sure I could guess.

Jaylen roars the motorcycle to life, flips on the indicator, and merges into the traffic effortlessly. I relish the feel of the cool air against my skin and the wind blowing through the ends of my hair as we leave campus and get onto the main roads of Pullman.

“I’m going to take the long way back,” Jaylen calls over the roaring of the wind passing by us.

I simply nod, although I’m sure he could’ve heard me if I whispered a response. I’m enjoying the tranquillity of just being in the moment and not having to worry about anything but being engulfed by the night.

I turn my head to look up at the sky, noticing the lack of stars. Shit, is it supposed to rain tonight? I vaguely remember Jaycee mentioning it while we waited for Candie to get dressed, but it didn’t stick with me.

My concerns are confirmed when a raindrop lands on my exposed arm.

Oh, shit. I’m fine being on the back of the bike so long as it’s a clear and rain-free day. But the rain has made me nervous ever since the fateful night I found my parents. I don’t know what it is, but I think my brain associates rain with danger after that night, so I have always been weary of it. I was fine the night of the Halloween party when it rained because I knew there was no chance of me being in danger while in the woods. But being on the back of a moving motorcycle… yeah, my heart rate is fucking spiking.

Panic begins to gnaw at my heart and I sit up straighter. “Jaylen, can we go back now? Rain makes me nervous.”

The rain begins to fall heavier as we drive through the main streets of Pullman. There are people everywhere, lining the streets. With it being a Saturday night, all the college students are out in force.

“Of course,” Jaylen says and flips on his indicator to turn right in the direction of the sorority house.

I hold on a little tighter as the rain begins to soak through my graphic T-shirt and shorts. The droplets slide off the leather of Jaylen’s jacket, so to distract me, I watch as they slide down the material and fall onto my drenched thighs. The wind rushing by is no longer peaceful, but loud and annoying as it fills my ears. All I can focus on is the whooshing sound and the trees that are a blur as we drive past.

I hate how all it took was for it to rain to make me suddenly feel uncomfortable, the pleasures of riding with Jaylen no longer enjoyable.

When I was a child, my mom couldn’t keep me out of the rain. As soon as the first drop would fall, I would have my gum boots and raincoat on, ready to play outside. Jaylen and Miles would stay inside to play video games, so I would go outside by myself. My go-to was finding ladybugs in the garden and making up a little story for them as they tried to hide from the heavy rain. My mom would sit on the back porch and watch with amusement and a wide smile. She used to call me her rain child.

But now… I fucking despise the rain, all because of that night.

“Hold on, little angel,” Jaylen calls out to me as we near an intersection.

I do as he says and hold on even tighter. If he wasn’t immortal, I’m sure I would be pushing all the air out of his lungs with my grip. The squealing of the tires in my ears roars to an all-time high, and I slam my eyes closed, my heart racing in my chest.

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