Page 76 of Blood Sport

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My hand flies to my chest where my heart feels like it’s going to burst through. “Fucking hell. You scared the shit out of me.”

He doesn’t say anything, just tilts his head to the side. I can’t see his eyes through the mask, but I know they’re watching me intently.

What the hell is he up to?

Without saying a word, Jaylen turns and walks further into the woods. Frowning, I look over my shoulder to see the people sitting on the deck have now gone back inside, leaving the two of us alone out here. Turning to his retreating back, I can only assume he wants me to follow him. Why? I have no fucking clue.

How did he know I was going to be at this party? It’s possible he came to the party not knowing I would be here, which makes sense given his status at WSU. Everyone wants Jaylen Black at their parties.

With a sharp inhale, I force my legs to walk into the woods. Twigs and leaves crunch under the weight of my combat boots. The further I walk, the less vision I have from the lights at the house. The loud music is nothing but a dull thud in the back of my mind. The only thing I can hear is my heavy breathing and the chirps of crickets.

“Jaylen, where are you?” I call out, having lost sight of him. “Whatever you’re doing, this isn’t funny.”

I should be scared of being out in the woods alone with a vampire, but if anything, the thought has my pussy throbbing with anticipation. Jaylen not saying anything only intensifies the feeling because I don’t know what he’s up to.

With a huff, I stop next to a large tree and survey my surroundings. I can’t hear a thing or see shit. I know that wherever he is, he can see me and that has the hair on the back of my neck standing on end.

I feel like his prey. A helpless animal he is hunting, ready to attack at any moment. But oddly enough, I’m enjoying it. My skin prickles with excitement as I spin around, looking in every direction.

A rush of wind moves past me as I’m pushed up against the tree behind me. My eyes widen when the soulless eyes of the Ghostface mask stare back at me. Jaylen has his hand around my throat, holding me firmly against the trunk. I can feel pieces of bark digging into my skin through the material of the dress, but I welcome the pain. Just as I welcome his fingers tightening around my neck, restricting some, but not all, of my airflow.

“Jaylen,” I gasp. I clench my thighs as the throbbing between my legs continues.

Shit. Who would’ve thought I would be this turned on by Jaylen in a fucking Ghostface mask? Not me.

“What’s the matter, little angel? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

My breath hitches in my throat when I feel his fingers trailing down the front of my dress. His cold touch sends goosebumps across my skin and ignites the fire burning in my core.

I hold my breath when his fingers stop to rest on my hip. I’m unable to take my eyes off him when his hand slips beneath my dress, his fingers going straight to my soaked pussy. I’m not embarrassed by how turned on I am by this. In fact, I fucking love it.

“Hmm, so wet for me already,” Jaylen coos. He tilts his head to the side as one of his fingers slips past my underwear and grazes across my core. “Do you like this, hmm? Do you like my hand around your throat while I play with you?”

I manage to nod because that’s all I can do with his tight grip on my throat. I want to shout, fuck yes, but the words would come out as a squeak. Not seeing him for a week or feeling his hands on me has my body vibrating with excitement and anticipation.

He chuckles. It’s deep and sexy and has my mind fucking spinning. I just want him to touch me, so I can relish in the cool feel of his fingers inside me. I want to feel him. All of him.

“Of course, you do, my sweet little angel.”

Without warning, he plunges one of his fingers deep inside of me, forcing me to cry out. My walls clench around him as he thrusts in and out. My hands come up to grip Jaylen’s wrist for support.

“You take me so well,” he praises as he slips in another finger, quickening the pace. “My good girl.”

“Mo-re,” I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper.

Jaylen pauses his movements, and I can’t help but whimper. “You want more?”

I nod, and he loosens his grip on my throat, allowing me to suck in a lungful of air. Glancing down, I see the outline of Jaylen’s cock straining against the fabric of his pants. My fingers itch to touch him, but I refrain from doing so. I’m letting him take the lead here.

“On your knees,” he commands, taking a step back. “Now.”

My chest heaves as I stare at him, wishing I could see his baby-blue eyes. But I do as I’m told. I drop to my knees, ignoring the sting of twigs and leaves digging into my skin. Lifting my head, I look deep into the depths of the black holes in the mask through my lashes.

Jaylen steps forward, his fingers coming to rest under my chin. The muscles in his abdomen flex as he stares down at me. “If you want more, you’re going to have to work for it, little angel.”

My pussy throbs in anticipation as I watch Jaylen use his free hand to unzip his pants and pull out his hard cock. Being out here in the woods alone with nothing but the moon shining down on us feels… forbidden, but fuck do I love it.

A crack of thunder sounds overhead.

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