Page 53 of Blood Sport

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Before I can protest, Jaylen swings his legs over the ledge and jumps off the side of the building with the force of a fucking kangaroo. A squeal leaves my lips as I wrap my arms around his neck. Wind rushes past me, filling my ears and drowning out the fear racing through my veins.

In the blink of an eye, Jaylen lands swiftly on the ground. Blood rushes in my ears as I pull back to stare into the depths of his eyes. I want to slap him across the face for doing that, but I’m frozen in his arms, unable to do anything but breathe heavily. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins, and I hate to admit it… but that was the most thrilling thing I’ve done in a long time.

“See how easy that was,” Jaylen says as he lowers me onto the patch of grass beside the building. My legs are wobbly, but I manage to gather my bearings quickly enough.

“You’re an asshole,” I huff and run my hands down the front of my shirt—anything to avoid looking into his eyes.

“Come on, you enjoyed it.” The amusement in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed by me.

Inhaling a deep breath, I lift my eyes to meet his. “Thanks for getting me out of there without Miles seeing me. That could have been disastrous.”

“I still don’t care if he finds out,” Jaylen comments, referring to whatever is happening between us.

I fold my arms over my chest. “Well, I do. We can’t keep doing this.”

Jaylen bites his lip and takes a step back. “Let’s see how long you continue to lie to yourself, little angel.”

Before I can respond, Jaylen wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me toward his chest. A gasp slips past my lips, but he catches it when his lips connect with mine. Heat explodes in my chest at the contact, and I melt into his touch. His lips are ice cold, but I enjoy the way my lips tingle against them, and the chills that spread across my skin.

The kiss is short and sweet, but filled with passion and lust, making my head dizzy.

Jaylen pulls away, leaving me wanting more, and pushes off the ground, shooting into the air. I stand stunned and watch as he grips the ledge outside of the window and pulls himself in with ease. He pops his head out, curls in his eyes, and waves before disappearing.

I sigh and spin on my heels to walk back to the car. When I reach the driver’s door, I close my eyes and inhale a deep, calming breath.

I left the fucking book I came for in the apartment.



I bounce on the balls of my feet, watching the barista as she makes my coffee. Caffeine is much needed after class today. I can feel myself slowing down and caring less about my classes and more about the strange murders occurring in town. Not to mention I have an attractive vampire always lurking nearby, appearing when I least expect him.

It’s safe to say that my mind is elsewhere, so I need this coffee to liven me up enough to go to the library and work on an assignment that is due next week. If I go back to the sorority house, I know I’ll get distracted by my friends or whatever themed night is planned for dinner by the sisters in charge. They say that getting the girls in the house together will strengthen our bond, but I disagree. Not all the sisters can be friends—I think the tension between Amara and me is proof enough. And I’m sure some of the other girls have their issues too, which is why I need to steer clear from the house and stay in the library for guaranteed peace and quiet.

The hiss of the milk frother fills my ears as I look down at my phone, checking for any new messages. I see I have two—one from Miles, and the other from Rylee.

Rylee: Hey! I didn’t catch you before you left but wanted to

ask if you’re going to be back in time for Taco Thursday.

Amy is making sure everyone attends…

God, these girls sure do love their themed nights. That’s two this week already.

Evie: As appealing as it is to spend the night with the entire house eating tacos,

I’m going to have to pass. I have a big assignment due next week that I need

to start. But I’ll see you later when I get home. Enjoy those tacos!

Hopefully, Jenny isn’t on the meat tonight…LOL.

Next, Miles’s message.

Miles: Sis! Just wanted to check in on you. We’ll have to catch up

for lunch sometime soon whenever you’re free. But I’ll be seeing

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