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It’s best this way—for both of us.




Connor points a gun to the back of Dmitri’s head. I thought warning him away one week ago at the event was enough. I should’ve known better. Dmitri always has and always will do what he wants. The problem being is that he’s fallen into their trap.

I can tell for once Dmitri is caught off guard as well, most likely because his attention was solely on me as he pushed me against the kitchen bench and the gun in my hand away. We were so absorbed in one another that neither of us noticed Connor entering the same way Dmitri had, over the balcony and through the back patio screen door.

The threat in Dmitri’s gaze returns. “And who the fuck are you?” he asks as he turns, his frame intentionally blocking me out of sight and most likely harm’s way. He’s quiet and calm, and I know that’s the most terrifying version of Dmitri.

When Dmitri fully turns, a flash of recognition crosses his features. Most likely because he saw Connor at the event. Even if Dmitri had done research on him after the party, it certainly wouldn’t advertise his underworld dealings.

I, however, know exactly who he is and what he’s capable of. He’s my keeper. The man tasked to ensure I do precisely what I’ve been told and when. I fight against receding into my shell, frightened by what’s going to become of tonight.

“Looks like you fell for The Lion’s trap, boy,” Connor enthuses, and he seems like he’s on something right now. Adrenaline. Drugs. Most likely both.

The mere mention of ‘The Lion,’ Dmitri’s father, has him stapled to the floor for different reasons now than simply protecting me. I can’t see his eyes, but I know a rage-fueled storm brews within them. Although he might despise his father for being a part of the Bratva, in moments like this… that palpable tension that surrounds him reminds me that they could be one and the same.

“Please go,” I beg as I pull on Dmitri’s arm because he will never see reason in moments like this. He doesn’t budge.

“And what connection do you have with The Lion?” Dmitri asks Connor, and it’s as calm as it is chilling.

I don’t want Dmitri to know the truth because I know he’ll try to save me. It’s exactly why I’ve cut off all ties with my friends and family. Anyone associated with me will only get hurt or killed.

Connor chuckles as if in on some inside joke—one I suddenly realize I’m in on. I’d suspected the reason why The Lion permitted my return to New York was to haunt his son. It was the only reason that I could come up with to explain him letting me come back. I’d been nothing but a toy to him these past few years, disposable even. And now he found a use for me—to demean the son he abandoned.

“I’m just the messenger.” Connor charms delightfully. “I was simply ordered to intervene the moment you two made contact. And it looks like you fell for the bait. Although I must confess, you made me wait a whole week.”

Dmitri makes no effort to move, most likely because he doesn’t want to expose me, but his cutting glare lands on me over his shoulder only for a second, and it’s enough to force me to want to retract back into myself.

The stare is cold.



I’m sorry. But the words fall short on my tongue. Why am I apologizing? Why can his gaze alone make me feel guilty for being caught in his father’s web?

He shouldn’t be looking at me as if I betrayed him. Wasn’t it because of my association with Dmitri Volkov that I met his father in the first place? Not that Dmitri ever knew that, and at the time, either did I until I was caged by The Lion after moving to Russia.

Everything after that happened absolutely destroyed me. Now, I was nothing but a broken dancer, held captive by his father. Caged and not allowed to have any association with my family and especially him.

People around me go missing.

Friends around me die.

Dmitri’s gaze has returned to Connor. And although his gaze was on me for only a moment, I’m rattled with a fiery vengeance as to how I ended up as a caged bird in the first place. Even though I might revolt Dmitri, or he doesn’t feel like he can trust me, he slowly nudges me toward my bedroom, making sure his body covers mine.

Tears well in my eyes as he makes no point to take the gun out of my hand because it’s the only item of defense I have on me.

It was only moments ago, he looked at me as if I’d betrayed him, yet Dmitri in every way is still acting the hero, ensuring I’m safe.

But it’s too late.

Has been for too many years now.

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