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But what’s scaring me? It’s that Sophie was much more involved in Landon’s business. For how long? Was she a procurer and helped bring poor women in from the college? Did she set up Isabelle as well? By the looks of these messages, the drugs were all part of the plan from the start. Probably at the first mixer party, too. Sophie was a cunning person, connected, clever. And me, a Midwest farmer’s daughter, a virgin—green—was I simply too easy to pass up? I wasn’t even a challenge, really.

I had no idea what I’d been up against the whole time. I was such a fool.

Not anymore.

Paul rubbed my back. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t risk you finding out another way.”

“I understand.” I pursed my lips and handed the papers back to Gunnar. “Trevor and Landon don’t deserve plea deals.”

Gunnar smiled broadly. “You’re becoming my favorite person.”

“She’s already mine.” Paul leaned over and kissed my lips. When we parted, he lifted my chin. “You’re going to be fine; I’ll make sure of it.” He spoke with determination in his tone, but his eyes were soft, and my insides warmed.

What Sophie and Isabelle never counted on was that Paul Crane would love me, that he’d stand by my side.

“I already am.” I smiled.

We stood and left the office. Mom and Dad were back and had gift bags from their trip to see the Statue of Liberty, and they were showing their finds to Xander in the living room. Foam crowns and #1 Fingers. New York Skyline T-shirts with sparkles. Xander gaped in horror.

“Oh, Paul, want to hear a joke about paper? It’s tear-rible.” Dad grinned.

Paul groaned. “Please, no more jokes, Darek.”

I hugged Paul’s waist. “Sorry Paul, but Dad’s just getting started.”

Dad rubbed his hands together playfully. “That’s right, Nadia.” He took pleasure in torturing Paul, but he handled it well.

“You’re taking a nap before dinner, troublemaker,” Mom said to him.

She went over and hugged Gunnar, and he kissed her cheek. “Are you enjoying New York?”

“Too busy for me,” Mom told him. “I baked last night. Will you try my monkey bread before you leave?”

His grin broadened. “Yes, I will. And I’ll even take some home, too.”

She beamed. “Please do. I’ll give you enough to share with your friends at the office.”

I looked around at them all and was truly fine. In less than twenty-four hours, facts and testimonies were going to be bandied around me. It was going to sound ugly. I was going to sound like a desperate, hopeless girl. But I wasn’t. Not anymore. For the first time in my life, I felt like I had a team. I wasn’t alone fighting in my corner. I had people who believed in me.

Whatever tomorrow brought, we would move on. Together.

We expected the press, and there were a few news vans and photographers set up near the garage and outside the defense law firm, Pierson, Pierson, and Bolling. I’d submitted an affidavit and gave a police interview, but that wasn’t enough, and there didn’t seem to be an end in sight. However, Gunnar had prepped me over and over with practice questions. Helped me articulate my truths. Of course, it was easier when I had time to stop and think. My testimony would be recorded and given under oath.

I turned to Paul. “What if it takes hours?”

“Then I’ll be here for hours.”

Paul kissed the back of my hand. He never wavered for a minute in his decision to stay and support me. I loved that he would be there, but this was a time he couldn’t protect me. I’d have to answer alone.

The car stopped in front of One Vanderbilt, a massive tower in Midtown. It was only eight-thirty in the morning, but the area was already crowded with office workers, shoppers, and tourists. Laurence came around and opened the door, and my pulse jumped in my throat. The camera shutters flashed, television cameras filmed, and cell phones recorded as we grouped in a tight circle toward the front lobby.

“Mr. Crane. Mr. Crane. Ms. Sokol. Are you prepared for the trial?”

“Have you heard about the text message leak of Landon Styles and Trevor Livingston?”

“In Mr. Styles’ statement, he claims you never told him about the pregnancy, Ms. Sokol, care to comment?”

I kept up with Paul’s confident stride. He took the air of calm strength. Secure. Winner. Sadly, this was business as usual for him since he was sued often. Would I ever be as unaffected?

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