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“Who are you trying to convince?” Dad asked. “At least now we can help you.”

Dad and Mom gave me money to help with my place and internship. The factory workers’ settlement Paul had granted to the families that his grandfather, Matthias Crane, had swindled out of their pensions, came through. Paul had also given me money, but I promised myself I would never use any of it. Nothing was worth more than him. But he’s gone.

A wave of emptiness and fear tugged at my conscience, threatening to pull me under, but I pushed back, forcing myself to remain in the present. I was here with my parents in Texas. Dad responded well to chemotherapy. The doctors were confident he was on the mend. It was just going to take time for his body to get that memo. Things can get better.

Mom climbed out of the pool, and I went to her with a towel. She dried off, then went over and kissed Dad’s forehead—a sneaky way of checking his temperature. “Time to go back in.” Dad groaned and Mom put on a robe. We all paused to gaze around the tropical-styled stone patio, complete with palm plants, a pool, and a jacuzzi that Mom and I had used a few times since I arrived a week ago.

Mom sighed. “I’m going to miss Texas.”

My brows knitted. “You’re going home?”

Mom nodded affirmatively. “We hadn’t wanted to worry you with all that you had on your plate, but yeah, we’re ready to go home.”

“Paul, who is no longer your boyfriend, had his lawyer move us temporarily into a larger place that has ramps and chair lifts,” Dad added.

My jaw unhinged. “Gunnar. Seriously?”

“Yes, Gunnar. He calls your mom all the time.”

Mom beamed. “He does. He’s the sweetest young man. He’s coming to visit us in Wisconsin, and we’re going trailing together. Oh, and he’s going to see The Diems with me at Summerfest if he can get the time off.”

I snorted. “No, he’s not.”

Mom frowned. “Why not? Gunnar told me everything, and he apologized. He talks to me about his late mom’s…cancer. He gave me so many tips and support.” Mom hid her eyes.

I hugged her side, and she squeezed my waist. “I’m fine, and Dad’s…getting better every day. Anyway, I’m going to set him up with Mandy.”

Me and Dad rolled our eyes. “Good thing we are going back home, Nadia. Your mom can use her energy on something other than me and Gunnar.”

“You love the attention, troublemaker.” Mom kissed Dad again, and my insides warmed. Their love only grew stronger after everything they had been through.

“So, when are you coming to Paris?” I asked them.

“When you actually get going. Time to go over your checklist,” Mom used her mom tone, which meant right now.

I groaned and kissed Dad before following her up the stairs to the bedroom I stayed in. On the way, we passed by Dad’s master suite on the bottom floor. It was set up like a hospital, with additional amenities, including a whirlpool therapy tub and massage room. He had a chef prepare him healthy meals, and nurses and doctors to look after him around the clock. “Are you sure you’re ready to go home, Mom? Dad has a great routine here.”

“I know, honey. I want to bubble wrap him up here, too. But I agree with your dad. We want our home, family, and friends around. That’s living.”

Mom’s living was also the way I was raised. Trailing, farmers’ markets, Summerfest, that was what they wanted, and I couldn’t disagree.

We walked into the bedroom. My suitcase and carry-on were next to the wall, and a rush of excitement filled my veins. Oh, my God. I’m going to Paris. I had imagined Paul and I going together again.…

“Are you okay, honey?” A question Mom asked a million times a day.

“I am. Seriously. I love Paul, but he made a choice. I have to respect that for him.”

“No, you don’t,” she huffed. “He’s a weird man. He’s taking care of us and he’s….”

“You can say it, Mom. He’s gone.” My voice graveled, and I cleared my throat. “It’s something I have to face.” I was giving her a brave face, but inside, I died that night. There was no longer the Nadia I used to be, but this new one. It was no longer enough to have part of a man. I would give him nothing short of everything, and I could only expect the same in return.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, and I smiled when I checked.

Xander: See you in a few weeks!

Nadia: Can’t wait!

Xander understood my need to start my internship on my own, but he agreed to come hang out with me after I had settled into a routine.

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