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“Hmmm….” Her brows pinched at the fabric. She went over the pattern and my progress again. “Hmmm.” She gave me a nod, and I let go of the breath I held in.

Josephine next went over to Wyatt and checked his work. “C’est du bon boulot.” My translator told me it meant, “It’s good work.” She left, and I went over my work again. However, I couldn’t find any issue.

“Wyatt?” I asked him and he came over and checked.

“It’s good, Nadia.” He smiled. “It’s their test to see where they can help you improve your work. Don’t worry.”

Wyatt was right. My focus went to work on the samples, just as I would’ve done for my own. I worked on following their briefs to the letter, and with a few more questions and Wyatt’s help, I made some progress on their designs. After a while, Josephine returned.

“Tomas would like a meeting with you now.”

We followed her to Tomas’s office and she left. Once there, Tomas pulled me aside and squeezed my hand. “Bonjour. You look lovely today. And you’re way too joyful with all the work you’ve been handed.”

I grinned. “I’m too excited to be anything less.”

“I see.” He gestured for us to follow him. “I know you have work, but you also have internship work. Now, let me show you what you will need to do.” We followed him to his office, and I danced inside, seeing what he had planned for the spring. There were brocaded sleek and tiered evening dresses, tailored wool, and leather three-piece suits, modified, Venus-styled bodysuits paired with mixed fabric and embroidered pencil skirts. His vision sent my heart racing. “Oh, Tomas, it’s perfection.”

He grinned at me. “It is, but I want you to create something that will fit in seamlessly with what we have. After, I’ll give you advice on what you need to do to make it better. And you look like you want to hug me, Nadia.”

“I do. I’m so excited.”

He squeezed my hand. “I’ll take a kiss. Off you go.”

I kissed Tomas’s cheek, and we walked outside his office.

Wyatt stopped me on the way back to our workstation. “How about I show you my favorite café? It’s too crowded, the service is bad, but I love the espresso there.”

I laughed. “What a ringing endorsement. Sure. Let’s go.”

Wyatt and I left the building. I followed him as we headed down a few avenues in a zig-zag pattern, and I was sure I’d never find Givenchy again. While waiting for a car to pass, I glanced over at an alley and froze. A pretty brunette went into Hayden’s arms. He grasped her hair and tipped it back before his lips pressed to her mouth. Her arms went around his waist and his hands moved down to lift the end of her mini dress and squeezed her bare buttocks!

“Nadia?” Wyatt’s tone gave me the impression he tried to get my attention more than once. He touched my chin to let me know my mouth was hanging open.

“Oh, sorry.” My skin flushed and tingled.

“If you stop to see a kiss in Paris, you’ll never get anything done.” His tone held amusement.

“Yeah…uhm, okay.” I turned my head slowly and didn’t miss Hayden’s hand moving between her thighs. Am I offended? No. How can I be when I know what it’s like to be wanted so much that it didn’t matter where you are? Sighing, I followed Wyatt and held up Euros to pay for the both of us. “My treat.”

“Merci,” Wyatt said, and we took sips as we walked back to the office.

“I’ll be right back,” Wyatt told me, and we stopped outside a bookshop. A magazine left on an empty table teetered on the edge, and I went over and moved it to the center and stopped. There was a photo of Paul with Ingrid. This time leaving his concert together with Ben. Knots twisted my stomach, but I plastered on a smile when Wyatt returned and we left for the office. I merely glanced, but the image had already imprinted.

Paul. Smiling. Happy.

Has he forgotten all about me?

I followed Wyatt back to my station and was stopped at the desk. Laurence had left the recorder for me and a note.

Laurence: I can drive you both or pick you up. Please text me where you’ll be for your safety. Have fun.

I smiled at the message and caught up to Wyatt as we were pulled into a design meeting. The designers presented what they discussed with us individually when we met with them. The translator helped, but I could see the discussions moving faster than I could follow. I held up my hand. “Je ne comprends pas, peux-tu parler plus lentement s’il te plaît.” I don’t understand, can you speak slower please? My requests weren’t met with all positive responses, but I remained smiling, firm and kind.

When it was time to go, I packed up everything to work on at home, along with my recordings and written notes.

“You’re coming back tomorrow,” Wyatt pointed out.

“Yes, but I need to work on it.”

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