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"I can do better than walk," she said. "I can run. I’ve got super speed."

A ghost of a smile touched Joshua's lips. "Good. You may need to make a hasty retreat." He moved to the open door of the dungeon, peering out into the corridor. "Stay close to me. If I tell you to run, you run. Understood?"

Keri nodded. "Understood. But there might be other prisoners down here. We can't just leave them."

Joshua's jaw tightened. "We don't have time for a rescue mission.”


"No." His tone brooked no argument. "I know you want to help them. But think. Even if we could free them, how would we get a group of terrified, possibly injured humans out of a vampire stronghold? We'd be putting them and ourselves at risk, especially if they can be mind-controlled by the Vasiles."

Keri wanted to argue, but she knew he was right. The thought of abandoning innocent people to suffer at the hands of the Vasiles made her stomach churn. But the cold logic of Joshua's words was undeniable.

"Fine," she said, hating herself a little for agreeing. "But we come back for them. As soon as we can. Promise me."

Joshua's expression softened just a fraction. "We'll do what we can. But..." He took her hand, his touch sending a jolt through her. "You need to understand. There may not be anything to come back for."

"What do you mean?”

“There might not be a cure for whatever the Vasiles have done. When I destroy their masters, they may perish as well.”

“Chrissy, too?”

"I don't know." Joshua's voice was gentle, but his words cut deep. "The Vasiles' experiments seem to be pushing the boundaries of what's possible." His lip curled in disgust.

Keri's mind reeled. She thought of the other prisoners locked away in dark cells. Were they going through the same thing she and Joshua had experienced? The forced bonding, the overwhelming desire? And if so, what did that mean for their future? For her future?

"In any event, we need to know more about their experiments and the mind control stuff,” she said. “I’m not leaving until I have that information.”

“Have it your way,” he said with a resigned sigh.

They slipped out of the cell, and Keri marveled at how silently they moved. She did her best to mimic his stealthy tread, grateful for her enhanced senses as they navigated the dim corridors. The lower part of the Vasile stronghold was a maze of twisting passages and heavy doors. More than once, Joshua pulled her into shadowy alcoves to listen for pursuit or any alarms that had been raised.

Each time, Keri was acutely aware of his body pressed against hers — the solid planes of his chest, the coiled strength in his arms. Heat pooled low in her belly, and she cursed silently. Now is not the time.

They had just rounded another corner when Joshua suddenly stiffened. Keri opened her mouth to ask what was wrong, but he pressed a finger to her lips, shaking his head. She strained her ears, and then she heard it too — voices approaching, far too close for comfort.

Joshua's eyes darted around, searching for an escape route, but the corridor stretched empty in both directions, with no convenient hiding spots in sight. Keri's heart raced. They were going to be caught, so close to freedom.

Then Joshua's gaze locked onto something above them. He looked back at Keri, a question in his eyes. She followed his line of sight and saw what he had spotted — a narrow ledge running along the top of the wall, shrouded in shadow. It was their only chance.

Keri nodded. Do it.

In one fluid motion, Joshua wrapped an arm around her waist and leapt. Keri bit back a yelp as they soared upwards, defying gravity. They landed on the ledge with barely a sound, Joshua's body curved protectively around hers.

The voices grew louder. Two vampires rounded the corner, deep in conversation. From her perch, Keri could make out every word.

“We need to send the assassin after his own clan. He should have already left on his mission.”

Joshua’s grip around her tightened painfully.

The other vampire chuckled. "We’ll order him to assassinate every last one of them. They’ll never see it coming."

"And the reporter will go back to her miserable existence and help conceal what Anatole is doing from the media until it’s way too late for the other cattle.”

"They need to be kept apart, though. She’s our key to keeping him in line. We want them half-crazed with lust and thinking only of the next time they can mate. They’ll follow orders better that way."

Keri's breath caught. She glanced at Joshua, but his face was an impassive mask as he listened. She was hyperaware of every point of contact between their bodies. His arm around her waist, the solid warmth of his chest against her back. His breath stirred the hair at the nape of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She craved his bite, wanted him to cup her breasts and ease himself inside her again. It was hard to think of anything but the heat of Joshua's body and his intoxicating scent surrounding her. Her enhanced senses seemed to zero in on him, blocking out everything else.

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