Page 54 of Wild Wedding Hookup

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BASTIENHADN’TSLEPT well last night. He woke up surly and annoyed that Jace still hadn’t bothered to touch base. This not calling or answering his phone was bullshit. It was childish and Bastien was done messing around.

He called the private investigator that had given him the dossier on Jace Benjamin.

“Mr. Ainsworth,” Henry Jacobs said, picking up the phone on the first ring. “What can I do for you?”

“I need you to track down Jace Benjamin for me.”

“I thought he was with you.”

“He’s supposed to be, but he keeps disappearing. His cell phone is conveniently out of battery. I’m worried he’s screwing around on my sister.”

“I can help you track him down. When was the last time you saw him?”

Bastien gave him the details as well as the cell phone numbers of all the groomsmen.

“I’ll give you a report this afternoon. But it may take me a little longer to find him.”

“When you do, I might have you fly out and tail him.”

“I’ll clear my schedule.”

“While you’re looking, can you do a property record search on this address?” Bastien rattled off the beach house’s address. “I’d like to get some information on the owner. I’m planning on making him an offer and I’d like to see if there are any pressure points I could hit to get a better deal.”

“Will do.”

After Bastien rang off with the private investigator, he called Mikelina. From the background sounds, she was in the car.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you to go parasailing with me?”

“Not for all the espressos in South Beach,” she said. “Besides, I’ve got a meeting this morning. I’m going to be gone until late afternoon. Has Jace checked in yet?”

“Nope, but if he’s staying true to form, he’s probably sleeping somewhere. If I do hear from him, it probably won’t be until after he wakes up around three this afternoon.”

“Well, as soon as you hear from him, please let me know. Is there anything I can do for you in the meantime?”

Bastien wanted to make a sexy comment, but she sounded so distant he didn’t feel comfortable with it. “You can go out to dinner with me tonight. If you’re free. Maybe we can go to a movie afterward.”

There was a long pause. “Like a date?”

“Yeah, you’re my girlfriend for the next two weeks, right? That’s what people do. Dinner and a movie?”

“More like Netflix and chill.”

“I could do that, too. But I’d like to take you out on the town. You pick the place.”

“I’d like that.” Her voice warmed up a bit and he was glad. “How does seven o’clock reservations sound?”

“It sounds great.”

“Oh, wait. You’re scheduled to go to Casa Tua tonight with the bachelor party.”

“Fuck the schedule.”

“I think I just had an orgasm. What did you say?”

“I said, I want to be with you tonight. If the idiots want to go to Casa Tua, they can go without me.”

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