Page 39 of Wild Wedding Hookup

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“Look at the size of that thing.”

Leaning over the railing, Captain Lila said, “Almost got it.”

Then, she scooped the flailing and writhing fish into her net and the three of them brought it aboard.

“That’s lunch,” Captain Lila said proudly, setting the large dolphin fish in an ice chest while she unhooked it from the rig.

“We did it.” Mikelina whirled to hug Bastien.

It was only natural to kiss him.

I really like him.

The thought surprised her and she broke away from him in dismay. She couldn’t get too attached, but damn, she wished he was boyfriend material.

“That’s a good-looking fish,” he said.

Mikelina wrinkled her nose. “It’s kinda ugly, but it’s yummy. Now it’s your turn to catch something.”

They fished for the rest of the day. They caught a few amberjacks but tossed them back. Her father always said the big ones had worms in them. Bastien scored a couple of kingfish and was planning on smoking them for dinner. After a great lunch of battered fish sandwiches and fruit salad, Mikelina conked out on a deck chair. She didn’t wake up until they pulled into the dock.

“I’m sorry,” she said, stifling a yawn.

“Don’t be. I was right there snoring with you. This has been a great day.” Bastien smiled widely. “I can’t remember a nicer time. I’m so glad I got to share this with you.”

“Me, too.”

She hugged him and his soft kisses made her clutch him close. She didn’t want to get off this boat and step back into reality. But he was the client. She was the concierge. They had a full two weeks of scheduled activities.

And they were still missing the groom and his groomsmen.

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