Page 90 of My eX-MAS Emergency

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I WALKED INTO THE HOSPITAL the next day with a spring in my step. I loved my job, but never had I been so happy to be up at the crack of dawn and headed into work. The smell of disinfectant and medicine filled my nostrils, making me smile.

When I sashayed into the unit, before me was a line of nurses and doctors, all clapping for me. Even Jules was there. Behind them were large cutouts of the rogue pirate and stacks of To Love a Rogue Pirate books.

I stopped, not sure what to make of all of it.

Lucy ran toward me and fiercely embraced me. “We heard what you did, delivering Josie Cavanaugh’s baby.”

Who hadn’t?

“She had her publisher deliver all this stuff!” Lucy squealed. “And,” she whispered, “we know you almost got suspended. We were all going to protest if we had to.”

She had no idea how much that meant to me. I squeezed her back. “Thank you,” my voice cracked with emotion.

“Okay, okay,” Evie grumbled. “Back to work, everyone.”

Lucy gave me another good hug before letting me go. “You are a legend.”

I wasn’t sure about that, but it was better than a lot of things I had been called over the years, and even lately.

Jules waited for Lucy to flit off before approaching me. Something was different about her.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I heard they were celebrating you, so I thought I would come down. And I wanted to tell you my dad is being moved to a regular room,” she said, so relieved. “He’s not out of the woods yet, and he probably won’t ever fully recover, but he’s alive and talking. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me through this. I think I would have gone crazy in this town without you. Thank you for seeing me.”

I was so happy for her. I took her hand. “Jules, you’re amazing. You helped me more than you will know. I have my sister back because of you. And the CIA,” I teased.

She laughed. “Someday I will tell you what I really do.”

Oh, she’d better. I was more than willing to sign an NDA to find out. “I look forward to it.”

“I better go. Merry Christmas, friend.”

“Merry Christmas, Jules. I hope Santa is extra good to you this year.”

She shrugged like she didn’t count on it before walking off.

I watched her go, hoping the person who deserved her most would see her soon.

Once Jules disappeared through the automatic doors, Evie marched up to me, hands on her hips, a stern look in her eye. “You got balls, Monroe; I’ll give you that.”

“Does this mean you like me?” I sing-songed to annoy her.

Her lips twitched, so badly wanting to smile. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

“Oh, but you know you want to.”

Her lip twitch turned more into a lift. I counted that as a smile.

She cleared her throat, wiping any show of happiness off her face. “Get to work. We have patients waiting to be seen. Start with the patient in room one.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I saluted her.

She rolled her eyes. “By the way, I better not hear any noise coming from there.”

I tilted my head. “What do you mean?”

Evie didn’t answer me; instead she marched off, barking orders.

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