Page 45 of Impress Me

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“Everyone,” she laughs. “Everyone knows this. It’s a very common policy that companies have.”

“At my company, I make the policies,” I tell her. “And in my office, I can do what I want.”

“And what you want is to kiss me, huh?”

“Something like that.”

“Why’d you hire me, anyway?” Alex asks. “Surely it wasn’t because you needed a makeout buddy. I’m sure you aren’t wanting for those.”

“You’re right. I have plenty of women who would be willing to come kiss me a little between meetings.”

“What is it, then?”

“I owe Beatrice,” I tell her honestly. “And I respect my cousin. She asked me to interview you. That was the favor. I didn’t hire you because of her. I hired you because you seemed self-assured, prepared, and good at what you do.”

“Is that right?”

“It’s right,” I nod.

“You’re so different than I thought you would be,” she says.

“What do you mean?” I already know. She thought I’d be a prick. I want people to think that I am. Nobody needs to know that Mr. Grump has a soft spot for needy puppies like Alex. I’m sure she’s got a tragic backstory that would have my cock weeping for her tight body if she felt like telling me, but right now, I want to listen to what she has to say.

“I thought you’d be more rough around the edges,” she admits.

“You thought I’d put up more of a fight when you tried to make out with me, huh?”

“Hey,” she slaps my chest playfully. “You made the first move.”

“If that’s the story you want to go with, then we’ll go with it,” I say. Then I kiss her again, and again, and just for good measure, I kiss her a little bit more.



Aweek goes by, and then another. It’s the night before payday when Beatrice comes home with a date for the evening. I’m sitting in the living room eating a bowl of cheap ramen when she bursts in.

“Oh,” she says. “I didn’t know you were home.” As though I’d be anywhere else. I can’t afford to go out anywhere, but I understand the way that dates work, and I’m willing to make a few sacrifices for my roomie. After all, she’s been there for me this entire time.

make my way back to my bedroom. It’s the one place I can be alone. I grab my stuffed animal and pull it to my chest, hugging it tightly. Then I reach for the picture of my family that I keep on the nightstand. It’s so weird that I do this.

Only, I miss them.

I miss the way my mom and dad and Aaron and I felt like a family.

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