Page 18 of Impress Me

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“While you mourned your grandmother’s death, your father was busy building his empire. No one could have anticipated that Shadowvale Industries would not just grow, but swarm.”

“You read that on our business website, didn’t you?”

“Partially,” she nods. “But I also read quite a few news articles about your company, Mr. Shadowvale. I know that your grandmother was very close with you and your brothers. Losing her must have been difficult. Her passing coincided with your parents’ divorce, which likely presented another difficult period of your life.”

Words don’t seem to do the pain justice. Years of therapy, and I still don’t think I’m really over their divorce. Oh, I’m thrilled that my mom and Helena are happy. That still doesn’t make me mourn for years that I lost with her, though. My brothers, Oscar and Phoenix, also missed out. I think the divorce was hardest on Phoenix. As the oldest, he was closest to Granny and Mom. He also dealt with most of my dad’s wrath.

I swallow. My mouth suddenly feels dry. I reach for the bottle of whiskey on my desk and pour a glass. Alexandra doesn’t seem uncomfortable with this, nor does she ask for one. I’m still standing in front of her, so very close to where she sits in the chair. She’s prim and proper. She’s everything I’m not. I shouldn’t be as enamored with her as I am, but I’m starting to think that maybe my cousin sent me a good choice, after all.

“How am I doing?”


“So, am I hired?”

“Not yet.”

“Why not?” Alexandra seems surprised by this. Oh, I am impressed, but I want more. How deep did she dig into me? What else does she know? If she can pay close attention, maybe she’ll be able to benefit me. If not, well, there are other people who will want a chance to work for me, to date me.

“What else did you learn?” Did she dig into my father’s subsidiaries? Does she know just how deep his secrets go? Even I haven’t managed to untangle all of them. Project Sunshine is lurking in the back of my head, twisting around. I know there’s more than anyone is letting on. Siren City was built on lies and broken promises, and my father is at the center of so many of them.

Her voice softens. “I learned that your father remarried quickly before he divorced and remarried again. Oh, but that last marriage wasn’t until he’d had a string of girlfriends who all wanted to be your new mommy.” She cringes. “Must have been weird with that last one.”

All of this is true. I don’t even feel like my blood is boiling. I’m not bothered. It’s just all true. All honest. Everything she’s saying is exactly as it happened.

And it’s strange, really. Most of the time, people talking about my past really pisses me off. For some reason, Alex’s voice doesn’t grate on me the way most people’s do.

“When your father died, his current wife wanted the company. Fortunately for you, Daddy Dearest had an ironclad prenuptial agreement which meant you inherited the company. She got a little bit, but most of it was just you. You’d already been running and expanding the company for years, so the takeover was instantaneous, although I’m sure still difficult. How am I doing so far?”

Too good for comfort. Fuck. I don’t think Beatrice would have shared all of this information with her roommate. As far as I know, my cousin just wants to live with someone she can stand who can also pay rent. No, I think Alex did all of this digging on her own. I think she’s really this good, and it’s making me uncomfortable.

“What are our holdings?”

“Stocks? I don’t know that at all. I do know that you have an annoying amount of subsidiaries, though. While most people think of Shadowvale Industries as a real estate group, you also have your hands in various forms of commerce, including small businesses, technology, software, animal pharmaceuticals, and even the occasional museum.”

It’s true. I did start purchasing museums. It’s definitely a rich kid hobby, but I enjoy it more than I should.

And I’m getting stupidly turned on watching her pretty mouth spout off facts about my company.

This isn’t like me.

Most of the time, I’m drawn to women who are dumb. Insecure. Easy. I like girls who don’t want me for more than one night. Yes, they tend to believe they aren’t worth it, but there’s more to it than that. They also believe that I’m not worth it. I like that. It means that my relationships are easy and simple. It means I don’t have to do anything but show up for a little while, look pretty, and then be on my way.

I think of my cousin’s words.

She told me not to fuck her friend.

Well, too bad. I made that promise before I met Alex. I don’t think there’s anything at this point that’s going to keep me from sliding my dick into her. It won’t be today, and it won’t be tomorrow, but us sleeping together is inevitable. When I want something, I get it. There’s nothing that can stop me. I have money, I have power, and I have the respect of the city.

What else could I possibly need?

“How’d I do?” There’s just the slightest hint of insecurity in her voice. She almost sounds nervous, but I don’t think that she is. She’s coy and cautious, and something tells me she’s much smarter than people give her credit for.


“Bullshit,” she snaps. Then she sighs and covers her mouth. Cute. “I’m really sorry.”

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