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I shrugged. “I have an idea, but no proof.”

“That doesn’t sound ominous at all,” Carson said dryly. “Spill.”

“There’s a guy who’s pissed at Gavin.”

Sienna nudged my arm and raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, yeah, he’s pissed at me too. And my office kind of got the same treatment.”

“I’m assuming you told the cops this,” Carson said.

“I did,” I said. “Whether or not they believe it is a whole other story.”

“Are you talking about Arthur?” Gavin asked as he came up on the other side of Sienna.

“I figured you’d already made the connection,” I said, shoving two handfuls of alcohol-soaked paper towels into the bag Sienna held.

“Yeah, when our two places of business get trashed not long after he storms out of here, angry with both of us, it wasn’t too much of a leap to put him at the top of the suspect list.” Gavin nodded at Vix and Carson. “Thanks for coming to help.”

“When family asks for help, you give it,” Carson said simply.

I felt a familiar twist in my heart. Logically, I knew the McCrae part of the family who weren’t biologically related to me and my siblings didn’t distinguish between any of us regardless of what we called each other, but when they said things like that, it reminded me just how lucky I was.

“I don’t think it’s going to be a matter of whether or not the cops believe you,” Sienna said quietly.

“What do you mean?” Gavin asked.

“I think it’s going to be more about whether Arthur Dalton has connections high enough to get the cops to focus on other leads.”

Even as she said it, I knew she was right. It was going to come down to who had more pull: Gavin and me or Arthur and his business partners.



I’d been awake for fifteen minutes and still hadn’t quite mustered the energy to get out of bed. It was late Monday morning, and for the first time since Fury and I had been interrupted by the news that Club Privé had been vandalized, I didn’t have anything demanding my attention. Thursday had been a late night, ensuring the place was clean and safe, while Friday and Saturday had rolled by with regular hours at the club, not even a pause in our usual schedule.

Some people might’ve thought it was about Gavin not losing money, but those who knew him understood it was more about flipping off the people responsible, showing them he wouldn’t be intimidated. I didn’t know if Arthur had gotten the message, but everyone else sure had.

Yesterday should have been another relaxing day off, but instead, I’d spent it at the club, setting up all the replacement equipment Gavin had ordered.

I felt like I’d been running non-stop for days, which hadn’t exactly aided in my healing from the assault last week. Still, I refused to use that as an excuse to neglect my job, so I kept pushing through. Now, my body protested all the ways I’d abused it over the past few days, making it that much harder to drag myself out of bed.

Honestly, if I hadn’t needed to pee, I probably would’ve stayed there until I dozed off again. But once I emerged from the bathroom, I heard the unmistakable sound of Vanessa in the kitchen. She’d had a busy weekend too, but I wasn’t surprised she was up and cooking. That was her favorite way to unwind, and she was definitely more of a morning person than I was.

“Hey,” I mumbled before yawning. “What are you making?”

“Four-cheese omelets.” She was far too cheerful for this time of day. “Do you want ham in yours?”

I shook my head and headed for the coffee pot. “Can I have extra cheese?”

She laughed, a bright, happy sound. “Already added the extra cheese to yours. Not mine, though. All of that would go straight to my ass.”

I rolled my eyes. “Please. You’ve got one of those asses that someone could bounce a quarter off of.”

“Because I do things like avoid death by cheese.”

I laughed before taking a long sip of my coffee.

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