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Not at me or Lulu for wasting his time here, and while I was sure he was pissed at Ralf because Fury didn’t seem like the type to take assault lightly, it wasn’t that rat bastard he was furious with right now. Fury was angry at the cops for how they’d handled everything.

“No matter what those idiots do, I’m going to help you,” he promised. “We’ll get justice for your friend, and we’ll make sure she’s safe. Ralf’s not going to touch her again.”

His words were powerful, but what made my heart race was the undeniable sincerity behind them. And even though he hadn’t said it outright, I knew he’d be there for me, even if nothing ever happened between us again.

If that wasn’t the sexiest thing in the world, I didn’t know what was.

I grabbed the front of his shirt and rose on my toes to bring my mouth to his. I felt his surprise, but it didn’t freeze him for long. His lips softened, teasing the seam of my mouth with his tongue. As I opened my mouth to deepen the kiss, I moaned, and his hands found my waist, his fingers brushing against the bare skin there.

The need that had been simmering inside me roared to life, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He dropped his hands and lifted me, my legs wrapping around his waist.

He broke the kiss to ask where my bedroom was, and I pointed to the open door, breathless and unable to form words. But then his tongue was stroking mine, and I didn’t care about speaking. I just wanted him to keep touching me, keep kissing me.

After pushing the door shut with his foot, he lowered me onto my bed with a gentleness that surprised me. His eyes were dark with desire as he straightened, and I felt his gaze like a physical caress. Then his hands moved to the buttons on his dress shirt, and I zeroed in on that. As he peeled off his shirt, exposing those hard muscles, I licked my lips, and he groaned.

“I want to be inside you,” he said as he sank to his knees next to the bed. “But I’ve been dreaming about tasting you since the first moment we met. Please say yes.”

I’d had sex with men who didn’t pay me, and I’d had men go down on me before, but it had always been with the understanding that I would reciprocate. I wouldn’t mind giving Fury a blow job, but the way he was looking at me made it clear that me returning the favor was the furthest thing from his mind.

“Yes.” The word escaped in a whisper, anticipation twisting in my stomach.

“If you want me to stop at any time, just say the word. If you’re the least bit uncomfortable, tell me.”

He’d said something similar before, but there was a new weight to it. It felt like he was talking about more than just me enjoying myself or not wanting him to do something specific. It took me a moment, but then I realized he was worried about triggering me. Not only did he not blame me for having been an escort, but he was also acknowledging that the things I’d experienced might’ve left me with the kind of baggage that could rear its head during sex.

Or even during a kiss.

That was when I saw it in his eyes. The understanding that my behavior after we’d had sex in my office had something to do with my past. And instead of dragging that up to satisfy his curiosity or placing his own need to know above mine, he simply let me know it was safe to tell him when something bothered me.

I nodded, hoping he could read everything in my eyes and on my face because I couldn’t articulate any of it. He must’ve sensed it because he didn’t push, but instead reached for the waistband of my pants. His fingers skimmed over my legs as he pulled off my shorts and tossed them aside. Before he moved to take care of my underwear, I quickly discarded my shirt, relieved that I hadn’t bothered with a bra yet. Judging by the way the muscle in his jaw clenched, I guessed he was glad for it too.

Then he started kissing his way up the inside of my leg and I let everything else fade into the background. His hair was soft against my skin as he turned his head to lavish attention on the other leg. Only after he’d kissed that one too, he hooked my legs over his shoulders and focused in on his goal.

Just as I was going to start feeling awkward, he grabbed my hips and pulled me to the edge of my bed. With one last smoldering look sent my way, he buried his face between my legs.

“Oh!” I couldn’t stop the exclamation that came to my lips as he licked me, the flat of his tongue hot and wet on my flesh.

He laughed but didn’t even pause what he was doing, letting the contact between us send all of those delicious vibrations through me. As he dipped his tongue inside my core, his nose nudged my clit, and I shivered, the light touch almost ticklish. His grip on my hips tightened, and he moved his tongue higher, tracing circles around that little bundle of nerves. Dancing, teasing touches that told me he’d paid attention during our other times together, and not just to getting his rocks off. His circles grew tighter and higher, moving from the base of my clit to the top where he flicked back and forth with feather-light touches that made me squirm, my desire for more feeding the almost desperate need inside me that was clawing its way out.

Speaking of clawing, my hands moved restlessly on my blanket, trying to find a place for me to sink my nails, to release some of this pressure in some way other than exploding.

Then he wrapped his lips around my clit, and I came apart at the first pull of his mouth. My back arched and my mouth opened in a silent scream.

I barely had the presence of mind to grab my pillow and put it over my face as he kept sucking and I kept coming. Wave after wave crashed into me, rolling me under and over with shocking intensity.

All those times I’d gone down on a guy after he’d given me a few licks, I was beginning to think that I’d been cheated.

It wasn’t until I reached down to push his head off of my aching clit that he finally stopped. I tossed my pillow away and looked down in time to see him wiping his face on his shirt. I’d come so hard I couldn’t even get up the energy to be embarrassed by how wet I was.

“That … wow.” My voice was hoarse. “Give me a minute and I’ll…” I flapped my hand in his direction.

To my surprise, he shook his head. “Don’t get me wrong, I want your lips wrapped around my cock, but I want to be inside you when I come and if you put your mouth on me, I won’t be able to stop myself.”

He quickly shed his pants and underwear, his cock springing free, already swollen and leaking. After climbing onto my bed, he stretched out on his side and then pulled me up to lay in front of him, my back to his chest.

“I’m guessing your clit’s too sensitive to much friction,” he said.

I nodded, wondering how many more times he could surprise me.

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