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“You can’t do that,” Mr. Dalton protested, sounding more like a sulking child than a man in his late fifties.

Gavin raised an eyebrow. “I just did. And now you’re going to leave before I have my security escort you out.”

Mr. Dalton was practically shaking, but he turned on his heel and stormed toward the exit. Only at the door did he pause to throw one last parting remark over his shoulder.

“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer!”

A moment of silence followed the slamming door, and everyone looked expectantly at Gavin. Instead of an explanation, he offered a single statement.

“The club’s not going anywhere.”

As he turned and walked away, my co-workers formed groups, their voices hushed as they discussed what had just transpired. I didn’t join them. While I wanted details about that argument and reassurance that not only was the club staying but Gavin as well, something else in the exchange between the two men had caught my attention and wouldn’t let go.

Fury had known about the offer, had discussed it with Gavin... and hadn’t said a word to me about it. Even though he knew how important my job was to me, he didn’t even hint at the possibility that I could end up unemployed soon.

The anger churning inside me, however, was nothing compared to the unexpected hurt I felt.

This was exactly why I didn’t trust men. Or anyone, really. I was the only one who looked out for me. That was how it had always been and how it would continue to be.



My heart raced as I stepped into Club Privé, silently praying that Gavin wouldn’t be here. He’d be livid if he found out why I was at the club. I hadn’t breathed a word about Sienna during our earlier discussion about Arthur, nor had I revealed my conversation with Carson about letting Sienna choose for herself who she wanted to see. Honestly, I hadn’t planned on coming here at all, but Sienna still consumed my thoughts, and I couldn’t shake her from my mind.

Her body moving against mine, her fierce strength, the fire in her eyes as she stood up to me. I recalled her compassion for Dodd, despite the danger he’d put her in, and how vulnerable she’d looked in her office. The taste of her kiss lingered on my lips. Most of all, I couldn’t shake how I felt being inside of her.

My carefully constructed arguments for staying away had crumbled in the face of Carson’s simple logic. The more I mulled it over, the more I agreed - it should be Sienna’s choice. When the thought of waiting any longer to see her became unbearable, I gave in and hailed a car for the club.

The absence of a line outside told me it was a private night. After the recent incident, I couldn’t blame Gavin for being cautious. I felt a wave of relief wash over me when I saw Dodd wasn’t at the door. The urge to deck him for his negligence, which had put everyone in danger, simmered just beneath the surface, ready to boil over at any moment.

Inside, I paused, letting my eyes adjust to the dim lighting before scanning the room for Sienna. Though I wasn’t certain she was working tonight after what happened, I had a hunch she’d want to set an example for her performers by being here.

The Monday night crowd was thin, making it easy to spot her tall, slender figure by the bar. She was chatting with two men, and I felt a stab of jealousy as I approached. It faded when I saw the shorter, muscular man wrap his arm around his partner’s waist.

Their conversation seemed light, so I sidled up to the bar nearby, close enough to eavesdrop while I ordered a drink. Sienna didn’t notice me as I positioned myself behind the couple.

“This is only our second time here,” the shorter one was saying. “So we’re still getting used to the system you guys use to show who’s up for what.”

His partner jumped in, “What my partner is trying to say, and doing it poorly, is that we weren’t sure if you’re one of the employees we’re allowed to ask to join us in a private room.”

I felt my body tense, jealousy flaring anew.

Sienna’s eyes widened. “Oh, okay, I wasn’t expecting that.”

The taller man continued, “We get that a lot. Everyone sees two men together and they assume homosexual, but we’re actually both bisexual. We’re not interested in having a polyamorous relationship or an open relationship, but every once in a while, we get in the mood for something … different, you know?”

His partner chimed in, “That’s why when we moved here, we were so excited to find Club Privé. Knowing we could come here to a safe place, find someone to play with, and not have to worry about messy fallout, well, it just made us love the Big Apple even more.”

My patience wore thin as they rambled on. I fought the urge to interrupt, to claim Sienna as mine. I knew that would be a dick move, one she would hate. So I held my tongue, waiting for her response. If she wanted to go with them, it had to be her choice. I wasn’t about to let my possessiveness ruin things before they even started, but holding back my temper was a struggle.

“So, what do you say, gorgeous? Want to spend the rest of the night being thoroughly pleasured by two men at the same time?”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I straightened, turning towards them. All three looked my way. I caught a glimpse of the men’s faces as they glanced between Sienna and me, but my focus was on her. Her eyes met mine for a split second before darting away, a blush creeping up her cheeks. I could sense the men shifting uncomfortably, suddenly aware they’d stepped into something they hadn’t expected.

I watched the shorter man’s face fall as he broke the awkward silence. “Um, I guess we really did read things wrong,” he mumbled, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “Didn’t mean to step on any toes.”

Sienna’s chin lifted, her eyes flashing with defiance. “You didn’t,” she shot back, her tone daring me to contradict her.

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