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As we pulled out into the busy New York traffic, Olivia expertly maneuvered through the chaos.

“So, Fury,” she said, glancing at me. “That’s an unusual name. There must be a story there.”

I chuckled. “My mother had a flair for the dramatic. Said I came into the world kicking and screaming, full of fury. The name stuck.”

Olivia laughed, a warm, genuine sound. “Well, it certainly makes an impression. I bet it comes in handy in the boardroom.”

“It has its moments,” I admitted. “Though sometimes I think people expect me to start flipping tables or breathing fire.”

“And do you?” she asked, a teasing glint in her eye.

“Only on Tuesdays,” I deadpanned.

She laughed again, a refreshing sound.

We fell into an easy conversation about New York real estate, the challenges of expanding a business, and the differences between the East and West coasts. Before I knew it, we were pulling up to a sleek, modern building in Midtown.

“Here we are,” Olivia announced, parking the car. “Ready to see your future office?”

I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. This was it - the first tangible step towards making Gracen, McCrae & Palmer a New York powerhouse.

As we entered the building, Olivia guided me through the lobby, chatting with the security guard like an old friend. The elevator ride was quick, and soon we were stepping out onto what could only be described as a blank canvas of potential.

“Wow,” I breathed, taking in the open floor plan, the floor-to-ceiling windows, the stunning views of the city.

Olivia smiled, clearly pleased with my reaction. “I thought you might like it. The entire floor is available, which gives you plenty of room to grow. And the building has some of the best amenities in the city.”

She led me through the space, pointing out features and possibilities. I could see it all coming to life in my mind - the sleek conference rooms, the bustling trading floor, my office overlooking the park.

“And here’s the crown jewel,” Olivia said, leading me towards a set of glass doors. She pushed them open with a flourish, revealing a stunning rooftop garden.

I stepped out, momentarily speechless. The garden was an oasis in the middle of the concrete jungle, with lush greenery, comfortable seating areas, and panoramic views of the city.

“This is incredible,” I said, turning to face Olivia. The sunlight caught her hair, turning it to spun gold. “You’ve outdone yourself, Olivia.”

She beamed, clearly in her element. “I’m glad you like it. I thought this might be a delightful spot for client meetings or team gatherings. It’s a great way to impress without being ostentatious.”

I nodded, already imagining the possibilities. “It’s perfect. Though I have to admit, it makes my current living situation seem pretty lackluster in comparison.”

Olivia raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Where are you staying?”

I grimaced. “An old condo my partner and I acquired years ago. It’s fine for now, but...”

“But not exactly home,” Olivia finished for me. She seemed to consider something for a moment, then smiled. “You know, I might have a solution for that, too.”

I looked at her, intrigued. “I’m listening.”

“There’s a penthouse that’s not officially on the market yet,” Olivia purred, her voice dripping with temptation. “It’s in a prime location, fully furnished, and available soon. I could show it to you, if you’re interested.”

The way she looked at me, her eyes smoldering with unspoken promise, made me hesitate for a moment. This was veering dangerously close to mixing business with pleasure, and my pulse quickened at the thought. Unbidden, an image of Sienna flashed through my mind - her fierce green eyes blazing with passion, that challenging smirk that always set my blood on fire. But then I looked at Olivia, all professional charm and subtle allure, her body language screaming of possibilities. This was just business, right? My mind raced with the tantalizing prospects, both professional and decidedly not.

“That sounds great,” I heard myself say. “I’d love to see it.”

Olivia’s smile widened. “Excellent. Why don’t we head over there now, and then afterwards grab dinner to discuss the details?”

I nodded, pushing aside any lingering doubts. “Lead the way.”

The drive to the penthouse was filled with more easy conversation, but I could feel a subtle shift in the air. The professional veneer was slipping, replaced by something more... personal.

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