Page 41 of Bound

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“The worst thing you can do,” Erik added, “is to hide things from her. It won’t end well.”

The grim tone of his words made me frown. “That sounds like you’re not only talking about me and Sine.”

“I’m not,” he said. “Reb and Mitzi broke up.”

He was giving me an out, I saw. If I didn’t want to dig any deeper into what I was feeling, I could take the change in conversation, and he wouldn’t say a word about it. I had too many things I needed to think about, analyze, weigh, and I wasn’t ready to do that here and now.

I followed the change of subject. “Since when?”

“Beginning of June.”

“No shit.” I let myself relax as I started in on my meal. “Why didn’t he say anything?”

Erik scowled. “He knows we never liked her, and with what went down...”

“What went down?”

He stabbed a carrot with his fork. “He caught her cheating, and it was bad enough he didn’t want to tell me any more than that.”

“Shit,” I breathed. “I can’t say it surprises me, but still.”

Erik nodded. “He finally told me the other day. Said he didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but I don’t think he’s doing well.”

As our conversation turned to our friend, I pushed back the little voice in the back of my head that wondered if something like that would happen to me, if Sine wasn’t the woman I thought her to be. The voice quieted, but those seeds of doubt were there, and I knew they’d take root if I gave them even the slightest bit of attention.

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