Page 10 of Bound

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I hadn’t toldJean yet, but I was actually grateful she’d hired an assistant.

No, that wasn’t entirely accurate. I was grateful she’d hired Sine.

By the middle of the first week, Sine had shown a dedicated work ethic, as well as a knack for organization that went well beyond my own more haphazard system. She went above and beyond. And I supposed that was why I’d started noticing her. Or maybe I’d seen her from moment one, but just hadn’t acknowledged it.

When I didn’t have music on, I could hear her moving around in the office, talking quietly in that lilting Irish voice of hers. I generally couldn’t make out specific words, but it was pleasant. Something about it eased the tension I’d been carrying at the base of my skull.

We hadn’t really talked much before, not beyond work basics, but when I’d seen her come in today, I hadn’t been able to take my eyes off her. She was wearing a sundress, a pale green that suited her coloring, but something about it didn’t quite sit right with me. It wasn’t until she disappeared into the office that I realized what it was. For the first time since I met her, she didn’t seem quite comfortable in her own skin.

Giselle’s text about quitting had interrupted my thoughts, so by the time Sine came back out to get out food from the delivery boy, all that tension was back. The conversation that followed had surprised me, both because it’d been completely unplanned, and because of how much I enjoyed it.

I was a quiet person by nature, not one to make idle conversation. Even as a Dom, I didn’t use excessive words, but with Sine, they’d come easily. I’d found myself looking at her. Studying the lines of her face, the freckles across her nose and cheeks. The shade of her eyes was extraordinary, and I started wondering in which ways it would shift with different colors accenting it.

It wasn’t until she made the comment about how the problem might have been with Giselle that it hit me.

She was right. I’d been focusing so hard on the external, on the props, that I hadn’t considered that a new inspiration might need a new model. Not just new in the sense of someone I hadn’t worked with before, but rather new to the whole concept of modeling.

I had to admit, I was surprised at her response. Most women would’ve jumped at the chance to become a model. She wasn’t just being modest either. I could see it on her face, in her eyes. She honestly didn’t see why I’d want her to pose for me. Okay, so she didn’t have the flashy beauty like Giselle, but she was still striking.

And then I’d realized what I hadn’t before. How she’d looked pretty in her sundress, but not comfortable. Thinking I was joking when I said I wanted her to model. Her usual attire that was so different from what most of the women around me wore.

She honestly didn’t see her allure. She didn’t think she was sexy.

Which somehow made me want to photograph her even more. I now realized that was what my concept had been missing. The juxtaposition of innocence and sensuality. The various bondage techniques I’d been trying on Giselle all week could easily be adapted for Sine’s different body type.

Before we did anything, I needed to make sure she knew that no matter how erotic the photos I took were, I didn’t cross the line with my models. It wasn’t as hard as most people would think. I could appreciate beauty without sexual attraction, especially when I was behind my camera. I always kept sex and art separate, so I was confident I could keep things professional.

I heard her footsteps before she spoke. “I won’t be insulted if you’ve realized it’s a mistake for me to...model.” The word came out flat, like she couldn’t quite believe she was saying it.

I glanced over at her, noted how she nervously fidgeted with the hem of her dress, then smiled. “Actually, I was just out here working through what I wanted to do first.”

She frowned, clearly skeptical, but she didn’t argue, so that was good. I tossed the pillows aside and smoothed out a plain black blanket. It was thick and soft so it wouldn’t be uncomfortable for her to lay on for the next couple hours. When I straightened and turned to face her, I found her watching me. A surprising flush of heat went through me, and I reminded my treacherous libido that this was work only.

“I’ll not be taking my clothes off,” she said firmly, folding her arms over her stomach, the gesture pushing her pert breasts into cleavage that I had to force myself to ignore.

I shook my head. “When you were going through things, did you happen to read one of the modeling contracts? I don’t do nudity.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“Erotic, yes,” I said. “Sexual. Sensual. Yes and yes. Sometimes close to nudity, okay, but never all the way there. And it’s all tastefully done.”

“I still don’t understand why you want me to do this,” Sine said.

“Chickening out?” I told myself that the good-natured teasing was to put her at ease, not to provoke her, but I knew that was a lie. If I worded things a different way, she probably would take the out, but if I pushed that same button this time that I had before, she’d push back.

She glared at me. “I don’t chicken out.”

“Then humor me.” I gave her my most charming grin. “I promise to be completely professional.”

I watched as she thought it over but didn’t say anything. It had to be her choice. Nervous was okay, but I never wanted a woman to feel pressured into anything by me. I could be intense, I knew, and sometimes intimidated people, even if I didn’t intend it. If this was going to work, she had to trust me.

“What about my other responsibilities? I need a steady job.”

“You’ll have a separate contract for modeling,” I promised. “And a long-term one as my assistant.” When she hesitated, I added, “I can work this on a per session basis, so there’s no obligation to continue, but you’ll get paid a lump sum at the end of each week. How does that sound?”

Her hands curled into fists, flexed, uncurled.

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