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The Fourthof July had always been a big deal in my family, and they were pissed that I was missing it for some unimportant business errand in Vegas. Only Enzo suspected the real reason I was there. Or, at least, Enzo was the only one who made his suspicions known. Everyone else was huffy that I wasn’t at the barbecue but didn’t question my motives. Not that I would have cared if they had, anyway. I was on another planet.

I spent almost every day trying to squeeze in as much time with Briana as she had to spare. I knew that her boss would want to keep me entertained as long as I was spending money, so I spent an obscene amount. I gambled at the tables with the highest limits, and while I didn't drink a lot, I made sure what I did drink was the best.

I hung out by the pool, and I did it with Briana more often than not. Sometimes, she had other work that she had to attend to, but I understood. I was just glad she had a job where pleasing guests like me was part of the work in the first place.

All the time we spent together, though, I was careful not to be too affectionate in public. Even though all I wanted to do was kiss her after a good throw in craps, or have her sit on my knee while I played poker, I couldn’t. I didn’t want anybody getting the wrong idea, either about me or about Briana. If it had been a few weeks ago, it wouldn’t have bothered me to know that the people around me knew or at least suspected that the woman I was spending time with was paid to be there. I wasn't embarrassed to have paid for sex because I knew I paid for escorts to have strings-free sex. And at least half the men in Vegas did it.

But Briana couldn’t be bought. Her affection was something I was happy to earn. Each smile I elicited from her made me feel like I’d won the jackpot, even if I just lost thousands of dollars. And I didn’t want to cheapen that by drawing the wrong kind of attention.

And I sure as hell didn't want anyone else thinking they could have her.

Except something had changed since Monday. I couldn’t tell what was on her mind, but she was acting differently, a bit standoffish. I wanted to assume it was the same kind of thing. She didn’t want to be confused with a prostitute, especially not in her own hotel.

Much as her boss was clearly trying to brand her as one. He practically threw her at me when I suggested that my time at the casino would be more enjoyable with her at my side, no questions asked.

I hadn’t gotten her out of my system yet, and I was starting to worry I never would. The fact that I wasn't terrified by it was enough to keep me from asking her, flat-out, what was wrong.

Late in the afternoon on the fourth, as my family on the east coast were already celebrating with fireworks and beer, I met Briana in the hallway leading to her office with intentions to spend the rest of the evening together. Her roommate had the night off and was watching her daughter, which meant Briana and I would finally get some alone time together outside of her work.

Not for the first time in the last couple days, I wondered if it'd be out of line for me to offer her a new job. One where she'd be at my beck and call...that thought wasn't going to end anywhere good.

“So what do you want to do today?” Briana asked, taking my offered arm. “Earl gave me a free pass for the rest of the day, so I’m all yours.”

I knew the words weren’t intended to be so seductive, but pretty much anything she said turned me on.

“I booked us in for dinner at a snazzy place near Fremont. There’s a limo waiting for us out front. And after that, I thought we could find somewhere to relax and watch the fireworks together. How does that sound?”

“Like a dream,” she replied though she still sounded a bit more distant than I was used to.

Though we started off walking with our arms linked together, I couldn’t resist threading my arm around her waist and pulling her against my side. The more physical contact we had, the better. It was almost painful being near her and not being able to touch her.

“How was your day?” I asked.

She sighed. “Long. Busy. Fourth of July, huzzah.” Angling her head to look up at me, she smiled again. “And yours?”

“Better now.”

Briana looked away suddenly, blinking like our almost-domestic exchange had disoriented her. I frowned. Wasn’t that supposed to be my move?

We made it out to the limo, and I poured us both a glass of champagne. She was quiet for most of the ride. Again, I wanted to ask her what was on her mind. And again, I held off for fear that I’d have to confront my own feelings. It was a fairly comfortable quiet anyway, and I enjoyed just having her snuggled into my side. Her body was warm, and her hair smelled like vanilla and coconut. I drank her in like a fine wine. And, like a fine wine, she made my head spin.

* * *

Briana started warmingup to me again during dinner. I had no idea what had brought on the change in her in the first place but was happy to see that a couple hours of wine and conversation were apparently all we needed to get back to normal.

Not that anything about this was normal.

“I’m so glad Earl let me go early,” she said, eyes roaming the busy and chaotic interior of the restaurant. We’d just finished dessert, and the bill was on the way. After this it would be back to the Rock Bay...and maybe a little dessert of another kind.

“I’m glad too,” I replied. “Though I’ll admit that I likely had something to do with your early dismissal.” I winked. “I may have suggested that I would be lonely this evening without your company.”

“You scoundrel.” The tilt of her lips told me she wasn’t all that upset.

I drained my glass, running my tongue along my top lip to collect the remaining drops of wine. She watched with interest, and I didn't think she realized how sexy she looked with her half-lidded eyes fixed on the motion of my tongue. A zing of arousal went through me. I needed to get her alone. And soon.

I dropped a stack of cash on the table when the bill came back around and inclined my head toward her. “Ready?”

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