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I backed away, nearly running into a waiter before I turned on my heel and made a speedy exit. I needed some air. I needed all the air. I didn't care that my purse and phone were back at the table. No one would steal them while everyone was still there. I'd go back in a bit, once I calmed down and could fake my way through an excuse.

After all, I'd faked my way through more unpleasant situations.

I made it to the lobby before somebody stopped me. A hand on my arm had me spinning around, thinking it would be Dorian. But it wasn't.

“Kenny.” I frowned as Dorian and Enzo's cousin leered at me, his hand still on my arm. I shook him off as gently as I could manage in my current state. “I don't really have time–”

“Hey, relax baby.” He took a step closer, royal blue eyes slipping down my body. “I saw you book it out of the restaurant. Wanted to see if you needed...” He brushed the back of his hand down my arm. “Comforting.”

I took a step back, repressing a shudder of disgust. It wasn't that he was unattractive, but he was the sort of guy who made my skin crawl. “I needed some air,” I said. “And to be alone.”

“How much would it take to make you change your mind about that?” He licked his lips. “Still the same rate?”

My pulse began to pound as something played at the edges of my memory. Those eyes...that curving, cruel mouth...

Suddenly, a flash of him. Naked. On top of me.

Inside me.

Oh god.

I backed away, stumbling. Screw the air. I needed to get to my room. Without saying another word, I made a beeline for the elevators and stabbed my finger against the button. I didn't let out a sound until the doors closed with me inside the elevator. Alone. I could barely recognize the noise I made, a cross between a whimper and a sob.

How had I not realized earlier? Kenny had been one of my clients. One of the first men who'd...and, even though the memories were hazy, I was almost certain he'd visited me more than once. I'd desperately tried to forget everything that happened in those few years. It was the only way I could stay sane. And I'd been getting by fine. Sure, Elroy liked to make comments to remind me, but just seeing him was enough to do that. Since I'd been at Rock Bay, no one from my past had found me.

I'd never expected to be confronted by it here. Especially not like this.

I was in my room before I remembered that I left my purse on the table downstairs. Dorian would notice I was missing soon. He'd probably come up to see if something was wrong. He'd at least drop off my phone.

And when he did, what then?

Was I supposed to say something? Let him know that I knew about the bet? Pretend I hadn't overheard their conversation and that things hadn't changed between us? And what about Kendall? He hadn't told Dorian anything yet, but that didn't mean he wouldn't. Should I tell Dorian first? Or had Dorian known all along, and that was why he and Enzo hadn't thought twice about betting on fucking me?

Right now, I wasn't sure which of those questions offered the worst possible answer, but I did know that no matter what, my carefree vacation was over.

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