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I hadn't seenEnzo for the past hour or so, and it took me more time than I liked to find him. Finally, I caught up with him on the patio, having a drink with his wife. I was pleased to see them together, though not surprised. While he took “dates” to professional events, he never brought any to family gatherings. Elina was aware that the women on his arm generally shared his bed, but he always made sure that stayed private. I didn't understand how Elina handled things, but it wasn't my marriage, so it wasn't my business.

“Enzo,” I called as I walked up. Before he could say anything other than a greeting, I grabbed my checkbook from my inside pocket, wrote out a check, and slammed it on the table, then turned around and walked away.

Enzo would probably be pissed that I'd done it in front of Elina, but that was his problem to deal with however the two of them worked out things like this.

I had better things to do.

As I entered the ballroom, I saw Briana exactly where I left her. Unfortunately, she wasn't alone anymore. I frowned as I recognized the pair sitting with her. I didn't know either of them very well, but it was enough for me to know that both Kenny and Charisma resented my side of the family for decisions made long before any of us had been born. If they'd taken an interest in Briana, it wasn't a good thing. In fact, it could be a very, very bad thing.

I hadn't mentioned my cousins to Briana beyond their names, but judging by how uncomfortable she looked, she could tell their intentions weren't positive, no matter what they were telling her.

I hurried over, the need to protect her surprisingly strong.

“Hey,” I said, squeezing her shoulder. “Let's get out of here.”

I didn't care that I'd interrupted Charisma mid-sentence, and if Briana's quick rise to her feet was any indication, she didn't either.

I wrapped my arm around her waist and drew her in close as we walked out, letting the gesture speak for itself. Neither of us spoke as we walked to the elevator, but I could tell something was on her mind. She kept glancing up at me, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop.

When we finally made it into the elevator and had some privacy, Briana ended the silence. “Is something wrong?” she asked. “Did I do something wrong?”

I knew I'd sent out mixed signals when I ended our dance abruptly, then left her at the table, but I'd known I needed to take care of the bet so nothing else could keep me from making my intentions perfectly clear.

As I intended to do now.

“No,” I said. And then, before she could say anything else, I pulled her to me and kissed her.

She let out a quiet moan of pleasure as I ravaged her mouth, picking up right where I left off on that night on the beach. It had been torture for me, leaving her there. But at the time, I thought it was the right thing to do. I'd also thought that wanting her would get more bearable with time, sort of like becoming desensitized to certain things the more you were around them. Or realizing that she wasn't as good as I thought. I'd found fault in almost every woman I got close to, given enough time spent with them. There was no reason she wouldn't fit the pattern. Except she hadn't.

So when she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine, when she curled her fingers in my hair and nibbled on my bottom lip, I knew I wouldn't be walking away tonight.

The door opened to our floor, and we tumbled out, her breathing as ragged as my own. I grabbed her hand to pull her after me, holding her tight so I'd have a chance to talk her out of it if she tried to run. Her flushed cheeks, and the enthusiasm in which she responded made me think she wasn't going to take off, but I still didn't let go.

My pulse pounded as I swiped my key. I'd never felt like this before, electricity racing across my skin, nerves on fire. I knew what it was to desire a woman, to want sex, to feel attraction. But this, this was something so much stronger than any of that. It was consuming, devouring.

The moment I was in the room, I turned and caught her arms, slamming Briana back against the door as I took her mouth again. I didn't even try to make it gentle. There was nothing remotely gentle about what I was feeling.

Her nails dug into my scalp as her tongue twisted around mine, and she moaned as I rocked against her. I bit her lip, and she dropped her hands to start pushing at my suit jacket.

Our breaths were frenzied and heavy as she began fumbling with the buttons of my shirt. I was too impatient to bother with any niceties. I gripped the top of her dress and yanked, ripping the fabric down to her middle before letting it drop to the floor.

“Dorian!” Her eyes were wide as she stared up at me.

“I'll buy you a new one,” I promised, lips already on a journey down to the sensitive flesh of her throat. “Two, if you want.”

I didn't add that she might need an extra one, because I couldn't guarantee I wouldn't do this again. Her response was lost in a whimper as I nipped and sucked on her neck, leaving little marks on her skin. They'd be easy enough to cover with makeup, but I'd know they were there. While my mouth was busy, my hands weren't idle. I flicked open her bra and palmed her breasts, her hard nipples points against my palms. She finally managed to get my shirt off, her fingers stroking my chest, alternating fingertips and nails.

Fuck, it felt good.

My cock was rock-hard before her hands even made it there. I ground it against her palm as she felt me through my pants. I groaned, returning my mouth to hers for a bruising kiss.

Every one of my nerve endings sizzled. It didn't matter where she touched. My skin was on fire, and she was both the cause and the antidote. If something came between us right now, I had no doubt I'd spontaneously combust from need. And it was need.

I needed her.

Her skin was soft and warm to my wandering hands. I traced a finger up her ribs, then cupped her breast in my hand. She sighed and tipped her head back against the door, giving herself over to me. It was a beautiful supplication. One I was more than happy to reward.

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