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All kinds where she was concerned.

I was just as shocked that the thought had come to my mind as I was sure she would have been if I'd said it out loud. That sort of thing sounded more natural coming from Enzo's mouth than mine. I generally stuck with a straightforward approach. That way, no one had unrealistic expectations.

“I'm sure Enzo's gotten in enough trouble–” I began.

As if he'd heard me, Enzo appeared at my side and dipped into a ridiculous bow. “Briana, my midnight savior. I hope you ended up getting enough sleep last night.”

She smiled and waved him off. “Oh, don't worry about me. How's your head?”

I noticed that her smile wasn't quite as warm for him as it was for me.

Or maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part.

“Just fine, thanks to you.” He chuckled. “Though I don't think my mother will be too happy when she sees me. We're going to Hawaii tomorrow – our grandparents are renewing their wedding vows – and she'll probably insist on shoving me to the back for the photos.”

“I would suggest some cover-up, but somehow you don't strike me as a man who'd be willing to wear makeup, even for his mother.”

Irritation crept up inside me at her teasing tone. Enzo, apparently, was finally putting on the charm with her. And she was responding. Maybe not in the way women usually did, but it was working on her nonetheless.

“So you're working at the moment?” Enzo asked. “Does that mean you can't spend time with your two favorite guests?”

“I am on the clock, but my main job is to make sure my two favorite guests are happy,” she replied. With a wink, she added, “Please feel free to take advantage of that, so I don't have to go back to getting new packs of smokes for those Texan cowboys.”

Whether she intended to or not, Briana had both of our attention with her statement. I had no doubt that my brother was thinking the same things I was when it came to taking advantage of our charming host. A part of me wanted to claim her right then and there, tell her that what I wanted was her to stay at my side the entire remainder of our trip. Beside me. Over me. Under me.


“I'm sure we can think of something much more fun to do,” Enzo's words took on a bit of the Chicago accent we'd all mostly lost. He clapped me on the back. “Eh, bro?”

I tensed and reminded myself that I didn't want to punch my brother. “Sure.”

“What about the pool?” he suggested. “I hear it's divine.”

“It is,” Briana said, nodding. “I don't have a suit, though I don't need one to simply sit at the side.”

My eyes took in her tall, slender body. Those firm, perfect breasts. And I suddenly felt I'd die if I didn't find out how she looked in a bikini. I'd never been much into swimming, but the idea was one of Enzo's better ones.

“Can you find one?” I nearly blurted out the question.

Briana's eyes turned to me, a question flitting across the surface before I could fully read it. “I'm sure I can scrounge one up.”

“It's settled then,” Enzo announced. “We'll meet you out at the pool in, say, half an hour?”

She smiled and nodded. “Perfect. I'll be there.”

With that, she disappeared back into the crowd and the swirling, smoky air.

Enzo's grin widened. When she was out of earshot, he turned and poked me in the shoulder. “You thought I was going to make an ass out of myself with her, didn't you?”

I shrugged him off. “I never said that.”

“Oh, but you were thinking it.” He buffed his nails against the luxurious fabric of his jacket, and I rolled my eyes. “And now she's practically eating out of my hand.”

Don't hit him. Don't hit him.

“I wouldn't go that far.” I could hear the edge to the words, but I knew he wouldn't care.

“Maybe before the night's out, I'll be eating her.” He winked. “Let's go get changed, brother. Our company awaits.”

I followed him to the elevator, wondering if I could get away with punching him in the back of the head and blaming it on somebody else.

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