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“I spot a bit of action, bro.” Enzo nudged my shoulder, drawing my attention away from the churning sea of bodies on the dance floor and toward what looked to be the start of a small scuffle by the bar.

“Just goes to show,” he said with a shrug. “Doesn't matter how classy a girl is, there's always a little hellion just waiting to break loose.”

He had to shout for his voice to reach me over the pounding bass, even though we sat beside each other in the recessed booth at the side of the room.

I didn't respond as I watched the small blonde wave her arms in fury. She was yelling at a taller redhead with the sort of bright lipstick that was usually seen either on girls who were too immature to realize they looked like hookers...or hookers. Judging by how they were staggering, both girls were clearly shit-faced.

“Who’s going to lose her head and swing first?” my big brother asked as he leaned closer to avoid shouting again.

He loved a good cat-fight.

Not that I entirely disagreed. I chuckled as I answered his question. “I like the redhead for it.”

“Really?” He cocked his head to the side, evaluating the two women. “She's holding it together way better.”

“Don't believe me?” I grinned and elbowed him in the side. “How about we put a wager on it?”

His hazel eyes lit up. He loved a good bet. Hell, we both did. Aside from our dark hair, it was one of the few things we had in common.

“How about...” he stroked his chin in thought, “five grand?”


We shook and watched the two women continue to squabble. A small group of onlookers had formed around them, keeping a polite distance but being obvious about their rubbernecking nonetheless. I wondered what the fight was about. Was it something substantial, or just another drunk argument at the bar? A man? Had one of them spilled something on the other? Nah, a man no doubt. It’s always a man.

Then, lo and behold, the blonde cranked her arm back. I gritted my teeth and waited for Enzo to start bragging. The redhead was faster. She struck out first, connecting her fist into the blonde's jaw, and sending the other girl tumbling over the nearest table.

“Yes!” I shot a triumphant look Enzo's way. “What a show!”

My brother glared sourly at me. “Mine was about to swing.”

“Yes, but I think yours was going for a slap,” I pointed out. “Open hand, arm pulled back too far. But you can always count on a redhead to know when to slap and when to punch.”

Security finally dove in, scattering the onlookers. I suspected the men had been hanging back before, wanting – much like us – to see how the scene played out. If it'd stuck with just being an argument, they might not have gotten involved. Now that it'd turned violent, they pounced on the girls and pulled them, kicking and screaming, toward the exit.

“Pay up.”

Enzo sighed as he reached into his pocket, then flipped a poker chip at me. The value was printed in the middle in holographic lettering.

“Who carries around a poker chip for five grand just willy-nilly?” I asked.

He took another sip of his scotch. “Who says the word willy-nilly, other than ninety-year-old grandmothers?”


We clinked glasses, and each took a sip. Now that our distractions had been removed, Enzo and I could get down to the real brass tacks of why we'd met up this evening.

“Excited for Hawaii?”

He snorted. “Am I excited to go mingle in the shark tank? Hell no.”

I couldn't help but agree with him. Our extended family ranged from eccentric to obnoxious, with few falling somewhere in between. It wasn't a secret as to why our particular branch did its best to avoid the others.

“I will say one thing,” he continued. “I think we're in desperate need of a break after closing the Miller-Trenton deal.”

Fuck if I ever wanted to hear the words Miller-Trenton ever again.

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