Page 17 of Mace

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“Fuck,” he swore, rolling off her, “that was hot.” She agreed with him, but telling him so wasn’t an option. All Brooke seemed capable of doing was nodding her agreement and rolling into his body. She covered his thigh with her leg, and he wrapped an arm around her, stroking her back. It all felt so familiar, she almost felt like they had been together for ever, not just minutes.

“How many?” he whispered in her ear.

Brooke thought back over their lovemaking and when she realized how many orgasms she had, she couldn’t help her smile. “Ten,” she breathed.

“Good,” Mace said around a yawn, “that’s the number that we try to beat next time.” Brooke giggled, but a part of her knew that Mace wasn’t kidding. He seemed to be a man on a mission when it came to getting into her pants, and honestly, she was fine with that.

Brooke wasn’t sure if she was making it all up or if she could possibly be pregnant. She and Mace had been at the safehouse for almost two months now and she had missed her period. She was pretty regular and missing a cycle had never happened to her before. She had a boxful of pregnancy tests delivered to the safehouse, deciding to keep this little secret to herself until there was something to actually tell Mace. She wasn’t sure if he’d blame her for getting pregnant, but she didn’t do it on purpose. She had left her birth control pills back at her house when they quickly left town, and maybe jumping into bed with Mace wasn’t the best idea she had ever had, but she wasn’t sorry for it.

She took the box of pregnancy tests to the bathroom and locked herself in, hoping that Mace would sleep a bit later than usual. The last thing she wanted was for him to need to get in the bathroom while she was taking pregnancy tests.

Brooke took the first test and put it on the bathroom counter, looking back in the box to count how many more there were in there. “Eight,” she said to herself. She wasn’t sure if she had enough pee left in her bladder to take all of them, but she planned on trying her best. By the time she took eight tests, she couldn’t take the last test. But it didn’t matter. She could see that she was losing the battle since six of the tests had already come back positive.

“Shit,” she cursed. Brooke wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh, cry, or be happy about the fact that she was carrying Mace’s baby. Crying seemed to win out and she sat down on the side of the tub and sobbed.

“What am I going to do now?” she asked aloud. Of course, no one answered, but talking to herself made her feel a bit normal. She had always talked to herself. It was how she figured out the cases that she worked on. Hearing her own voice talking aloud put her mind at ease. She always practiced her closing arguments in front of a mirror and still felt as nervous as she did in law school about speaking to the jury. Sure, she pretended to be confident, but she never was.

The only thing that Brooke was sure of was that she was going to have to find a way to come clean with Mace. He was going to be a father, and she was going to be a mother and if her calculations were right, she had just seven and a half months to come up with a way to tell him.


Mace walked in to find Brooke sitting in the kitchen studying something that sat in front of her. Whatever they were, she had lined them all up, like little soldiers, and Mace found himself curious. He leaned over her shoulder and felt sick when he realized that she was studying pregnancy tests—eight of them to be exact, and every one of them was positive.

“What’s going on, Brooke?” he asked, causing her to jump.

“I didn’t hear you come into the kitchen,” she whispered.

“That’s obvious,” he said. “What are all of those?” he said, nodding to the tests on the table.

“They are pregnancy tests,” she said. Brooke didn’t look at him and he hated that she was hiding from him. “I’m pregnant, Mace.”

“I can see that,” he said. “Brooke, look at me,” he ordered. She turned around and stared up at him, tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. “Aww—don’t cry. You know I’m not any good at taking care of crying women.”

“I know that, but I’m worried that you’ll be angry with me,” she sobbed.

“For what?” he asked.

“For those,” she said, pointing back over her shoulder to the tests.

“I’m not angry at you for being pregnant,” Mace insisted. “In fact, I’m happy about it.” He had never really given much thought to having a family. Hell, he never thought that he’d ever settle down with one woman, yet here he was. It felt right to be taking this next step with Brooke.

“You are?” she asked.

“I am,” he said. “I just wish that you hadn’t worried yourself about telling me, honey. You can tell me anything.”

“How was I supposed to tell you that you’re about to be a father when I can’t accept the fact that I’m going to be a mom?” Brooke asked. He pulled her up from the chair and tugged her against his body.

“You’re going to be a fantastic mother,” he assured. “And I’m going to be a fantastic father,” he joked, making her giggle.

“I know that you will be,” she agreed. “Are you sure that you’re okay with all of this?” she asked. “We’ve technically only been together for two months now. Don’t you think this is a bit sudden?”

Mace shrugged, “Not really,” he said. “I think that this feels right, don’t you?”

Brooke shyly nodded, “I do,” she agreed. “I guess I’m going to have to come clean about the two of us to my father, once this mess blows over. I’m not sure that he’s going to be thrilled about any of it. I mean, if he didn’t like you as a client, what’s he going to say about you being the father of his grandchild?”

“I don’t give a fuck what your father has to say about any of this,” he growled. “I just know that I’m not letting you go, no matter how he feels about me.”

“Good,” she breathed snuggling against him, “I don’t want you to ever let me go either. I do need to call the office and talk to my father, though,” she said. “He was checking into something for me about Julie. I’m going to tell him about the baby.”

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