Page 44 of Arranged Vacancy

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Denial is still the best course of action. “No, the doctors think I took too much of my ADHD meds.”

“You always forget to take it.” She huffs a laugh, though her tone is still flat. “How the hell did you taketoo much?”

“Honestly, I don’t even remember taking it that morning.”

Stopping in her tracks, Jaclyn finally looks at me. “Why don’t you take your health seriously?”

“I don’tneedto take them; they help me focus sometimes.” I shrug.

“You didn't need to focus on the day you were supposed to get married?” Jaclyn scoffs, and once again, I’m going about this all wrong. I feel like an even bigger asshole.

I take her hand and weave our fingers together, surprising myself with how much I enjoy it. Her gaze drops to our joined hands, then returns to me as I tell her softly, “You’re right. I should take my health—and mental health—more seriously. I’ve just been under a lot of stress and pressure, between the wedding and preparing for our next big step…”

“Ournext big step?”

“Yes,” I chuckle. “Our. You and I are going to take on the world together. Why do you sound surprised? It was always our plan. If it got out to the media that I had a heart attack, it would ruin everything.”

“Heart attack? Youkilleda woman.” Pain is chiseled into her features. “How can you be worried about a campaign when a woman isdead?”

This isn’t about Cara’s mouth wrapped around my cock, and I can’t help the relieved breath that passes my lips. Thankfully, I’m able to pass it off as pain. “I know. I’ll make sure her family is taken care of.”

Jaclyn nods in understanding, but her eyes say otherwise. “You want to make it right? Stop fighting with Alex. If it wasn’t for him, your face would be plastered on every media site for the next four months.”

“My brother and I have always fought.” I reach to tuck wind-swept strands behind her ear. She doesn’t flinch or pull away; she doesn’t melt for me, either. “But this isn’t about him. It’s about you and me.”

“You don’t have to worry about me.” I’m met with wall after wall with her, and I intend to tear them all down. As she tries to pull her hand away, I keep it firmly in mine. When she tugs a second time, a soft grunt escapes her. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t sound fine,” I laugh.

“You don’t love me, so why are you worried about me?” she huffs, and it stings far more than careto admit. It doesn’t make sense, I shouldn’t crave her attention or adoration. We’ve never had a romantic relationship. It’s no different than my parents—an arrangement.

“I do love you,” I counter, though it comes out as a growl. Taking a glance around to ensure we’re still alone, I still whisper as I ask, “Do you loveme?”

Her expression softens. “I love you as much as red roses.”

“Well, if I’m your favorite…” I snake my free hand to her lower back and pull her flush with me. She catches herself with her palm on my chest. “You’ll forgive me for missing our big day? Can I make it up to you with a night out, just the two of us? Maybe hide from the paps and enjoy an evening where we don’t have to pretend everything is okay?”But, mark my words, by the end of our trip, it will be.“I think we could both use a night of fun.”

Jaclyn blows out a long breath, and my eyes fall to her lips—lips my brother likely claimed for himself. Where minutes ago, the idea of being with her after him disgusted me, I now selfishly want her for myself. If I’m lucky, by the end of our honeymoon, she’ll cravemytouch, not his. We’ll live in amicable bliss, and maybe in time, she’ll love me more than red roses. I’m not sure if I’m capable of loving someone, but I need to try with Jaclyn. Warmth fills my chest, imagining her by my side, the picture-perfect family with our children, as I run for reelection.

I win.

“You know, I don’t remember the last time we had fun.” Letting her guard down, she offers a soft smile, and chuckles.

I lean in and kiss her cheek, not wanting to press my luck. “Then, let’s go have a bit of fun.”

Chapter 27


“This has to be the worst margarita I’ve ever consumed.”

As I’m sitting to his left at the four-top table, I can’t help laughing at Chris’ expense. “You ordered a house margarita! What did you expect? But, honestly, we’re in Hawaii. Why not drink a Mai Tai, or something with pineapple? The pineapples here are the sweetest you’ll ever taste.”

“I’ve tasted something sweeter,” he flirts, briefly glancing at my lap. I’m genuinely confused—he hasn’t had his face between my legs in years. Chris steals my shot of top-shelf añejo and finishes it in a single gulp, then sighs, “That’s better.” To my surprise, he flags down our waitress. “Could we get another shot for my wife? And I’ll have… water. Water is the best option at this point.”

“Water?” I cock an eyebrow. “I thought we were supposed to be having fun.”

There go my plans; three or four more shots would have him loosening his lips about the accident.

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